Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Empowering scholars to succeed and thrive through encouragement, inspiration, and motivation.

What I Learned from “The 5 Heartbeats”

It is sensational to learn life lessons from the movies, so here is what I learned from "The Five Heartbeats."

Wonderful Words -Phenomenal Woman

Maya Angelou's poem, "Phenomenal Woman is my go-to source for motivation. Whenever I need a pick-me-up I turn to this poem and the words never fail to boost my spirits…

Thinking Like Anything is Possible

I enjoying thinking like anything is possible. Since I was a small child, this has been one of my greatest pleasures. I encourage you to start thinking and living as…

Magnificent Improvement – Athletics

If you want to make magnificent improvement in your life, athletics is a nice place to start.

Help a Friend

One of the best things we can do is help a friend. Keep in mind that sometimes you help a friend by allowing that friend to help you.

Wonderful Words from Others – We Wear the Mask

From time to time, we all must wear the mask. We must hide who we are and what we think. We must do this because of our race, sex, or…

Attitude – Make Magnificent Improvement

It is magnificent to improve yourself, starting with a good attitude. Throughout the month of August, I am going to work on improving myself starting with the As: attitude, appearance,…

Making Goals SMART and Time-Bound

Make your goals time-bound if you want to successfully reach your goals. Never forget that the best goals are SMART. So, as you go about setting goals keep this in…

Add Something Magnificent to the World

Everyone has the ability to add something magnificent to the world. Some people can sing a pretty song. Others save lives. Others are role models influencing generations to come. Everyone…