Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Empowering scholars to succeed and thrive through encouragement, inspiration, and motivation.

Creating Confidence – Be Strong -You Can Do It!

creating confidence

This article is about getting dressed with confidence feeling confident before you get out of bed each morning. This article is the first in a series on creating confidence. I started this online magazine, Janeane’s World, in part because I was trying to find a way to put myself in the right mental frame of mind at the start of each day. I had a husband, four children, and a dog. My days were busy and stressful so I started a new blog full of motivational paragraphs.

I wrote positive things each day in order to talk myself into having a good day. Each day I would post a happy status on social networking sites to guide my behavior for the day. I named the days as follows: Serene Sunday, Magnificent Monday, Terrific Tuesday, Wonderful Wednesday, Thrilling Thursday, Fantastic Friday, and Sensational Saturday. Over the course of time, those motivational sentences became paragraphs, blog posts, and articles. Now those articles have turned into books, webinars, and e-courses.

A new way to look at the week and creating confidence.

As the articles in this series will show, confidence is not some mysterious thing that only successful people have. Confidence is something every person can have if she chooses. One of the first things you must do if you want to have an attitude of confidence is to look at each day as a new opportunity to shine and accomplish great and wonderful things.

In order to do that, I have renamed all the days. Instead of merely calling each day by its name, I attach an adjective to each day. The adjectives give a sense of expectation to each day. The adjectives encourage you to behave in a way that will make the adjective descriptions come true. Here is what I call each day:

Magnificent Monday
Terrific Tuesday
Wonderful Wednesday
Thrilling Thursday
Fantastic Friday
Sensational Saturday
Serene Sunday

If you think of Monday as Magnificent Monday, you expect something really great to happen.

When you have Magnificent Monday and you are going to look for magnificent things to celebrate. You will be reminded that magnificent things come in packages of all sizes. The magnificent thing may be a new promotion at work. Or the magnificent thing may be that you got to work on time and had a great cup of coffee to start the day.

going through the week with confidence

If you want to start being confident and successful in all you do, start looking at each day as an opportunity for good things to happen and for you to create good things. When you wake up on Magnificent Monday- look for magnificent things to celebrate, create or enjoy.

When Terrific Tuesday comes, seek out the terrific things in your world., it will increase you confidence.

Create terrific things and celebrate the terrific things you see. Keep in mind it doesn’t have to be a big thing. A nice bowl of corn flakes can be your terrific for the day. The thing you select to be your terrific doesn’t have to be something that impresses your friends and neighbors. It is all about you getting a winning attitude.

Wonderful Wednesdays are a chance for you to enjoy the many wonderful things that the world has to offer.

Every Wednesday take the time to look for something wonderful to focus your attention. As with the previous days of the week, it doesn’t have to be a big thing. It is wonderful that you woke up. It is wonderful that you were able to get out of bed and start your day. When you are able to find something to celebrate in your daily life, it is a wonderful thing.

Thrilling Thursdays are a dayto be thrilled by all that life has to offer and that will increae your confidence.

When looking for a thrill, look at things close to home. The smile on a loved one’s face for example. Using a piece of technology in a new way. When you can find a thrill in small things, there will always be something to celebrate. Small thrills are all around us. So, each Thursday, get busy looking for thrills close at hand.

Fantastic Fridays can be more than just payday.

Friday doesn’t have to be just the day you get paid. It can be a day that is fantastic because of a meal you will have. Perhaps a book or magazine is a fantastic thing for you. Your fantastic may even be the fact that you don’t have to go to work for a few days. No matter what it is, make sure you find a fantastic thing to celebrate each Friday.

When Sensational Saturday arrives,there are sensational things to celebrate.

Perhaps your sensational is having the day off from work. For some people, the sensational is finding a great leisure activity. For others, the sensational is the ability to spend extra time with family members. It doesn’t matter what your sensational is, go find it.

When Serene Sundays arrive, take time to reflect on the great things the week has offered you, let the accomplishments of the week boost your confidence.

Sundays do not become serene on their own. On Sunday, take time to reflect on the six previous days. This about how you boosted your confidence by finding the magnificent, terrific, wonderful, thrilling, fantastic, and sensational things in your world. Take a moment to figure out how you will find those things in the week to come. Do what you need to be at peace. Let serenity be the order of the day. Take time to get your mind right and mentally prepare for good things in the week to come.

Creating confidence is a matter of choice.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when it comes to confidence is that it is not a question of whether or not you can be confident. You CAN be confident if you choose to be. The question when it comes to confidence is are you going to decide to be confident and then work to keep your confidence fresh and new each day. It is important to remember that often confidence does not start and remain strong and steady over the course of a lifetime.

Indeed, confidence sometimes comes and goes. Confidence is something that you can renew moment by moment and day by day. Giving the adjectives to each day’s name helps you to focus on characteristics and qualities and this focus will help you to renew your confidence, remain focused and succeed all you attempt.

Years ago when my husband proposed marriage to me, I told him we were going to get married and be happy together forever. He asked me, “Or what?” He laughed when I responded, “There is no or what, we are getting married, we are going to be happy together forever, that is it.” Happiness, success, and confidence work that way. You must tell yourself you are going to be happy, successful, and confident period. If there is no option available for anything else, you will not make a mistake by choosing an option that leads to unhappiness, failure, and lack of confidence.

“If you want to be confident, claim it and be it, never give yourself another option!”

When it comes to being confident, never give yourself an “or” option. Tell yourself that you are going to be confident, period. This is very important. Think about children, when you tell a child, “Clean your room or no dessert.” Sometimes the room will get clean and sometimes it will not. You gave the child an option and she picked the one that was most pleasing to her. The lack of dessert was more pleasing than doing the work to clean the room.

When talking with yourself about being confident, never give yourself an or option. Never say to yourself, “I will be confident or I will not be able to get things done.” Do not use this or option because it allows you to think, in a subtle and subliminal way that the thing that comes after the or is a possible, acceptable, or desirable outcome. It is not.

If you want to read more about creating the confidence you need to succeed, check out:

Also, check out our Confidence Tip of the Day YouTube channel for hundreds of videos on creating the confidence you need to succeed.

When it comes to confidence, the thing after the or is not the desired outcome. It is not even an equal outcome. The thing that comes after the or when you are talking about acting with confidence is not what you want and not what you should have your mind concentrating on. Concentrate only on the thing you want – being confident and successful in all you do.

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20 thoughts on “Creating Confidence – Be Strong -You Can Do It!”
  1. Words of inspiration. My husband says the same things, thing for the best cause all that happens with worry is wasting time not going for the best! Have a fantastic Friday!

  2. I’ve been doing this for years and it has turned my life around. It’s so important to begin your day with a positive attitude, and so easy to do. Thanks for sharing!

  3. It is so important to try to have a positive attitude. I always try to smile at people when I am out. A good mood can be contagious.

  4. So, so true. I started thinking about your words and you are absolutely right. I have been working on bolstering my confidence for a little over a year and I think some of it is actually taking hold. One day at a time to do something AMAZING!

  5. You’re right. Each day we have on this Earth is such an amazing opportunity to do something amazing. We should embrace that and work hard to do our best!

  6. I love what you call each day, these are all great ways to be more self-confident. We can all use some boosting from time to time, great to have happened upon this article!

  7. It took me awhile to build confidence in myself and my abilities. Sometimes, it’s easy to get lost when people try their best to overshadow you but I think back on all the things I’ve accomplished.

  8. What a way to frame your mind! I stead of manic monday hump day wedsnesday!! Ah I love it! Making me more ex cited and it’s half way through the day already!

  9. I think this is something everyone could use. I also have a husband, 4 kids, and a dog. The dog seems to grasp these concepts naturally, but the rest of us need to work at them!

  10. This is such a great way to look at the week. I am going to make today a terrific Tuesday.

  11. Great idea, I actually think I will show this to my daughter. She starts school soon and it would be great for her!

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