Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Empowering scholars to succeed and thrive through encouragement, inspiration, and motivation.

Confidence Tip of the Day – Change is Hard

Black woman with her arms crossed in the foreground and the words "Confidence Tip of the Day - Change is Hard"

Today’s confidence tip of the day is: change is hard, but that is okay because you have done hard things before so you can do them again.

Black woman with her arms crossed in the foreground and the words "Confidence Tip of the Day - Change is Hard"

This online magazine was created because I believe everyone can succeed and be happy with the right encouragement, inspiration, and motivation. One of the ways I help provide that is by sharing confidence tips.  Some of these are tips that I use to help create or boost my own confidence. Others are tips that I have learned from others and share here.

The idea change is hard will create or increase confidence because:

  1. When you expect change to be difficult, you will be ready to handle the difficulty.
  2. Knowing that change is hard for everyone let’s you know that you are not doing something wrong when you face difficulty.
  3. You have done hard things before, so you can do this.

When sharing confidence tips, I always remind people, don’t get ready, stay ready. This is an idea I got from an inmate on a television prison documentary. The inmate said that when he was on the yard, he always paid attention to his surroundings. He said he did this because he never knew when something  bad may happen. In his world, he didn’t have time to get ready, he had to stay ready at all times.

When you accept the fact that sometimes change is hard. You have moved from getting ready to stay ready for what life will bring your way. When you are trying to make big moves in life, change is hard. When you are trying to go from point A to point B, change is hard. That does not matter. Sometimes, even though change is hard, it has to happen.

When you expect change to be difficult, you will be ready to handle the difficulty.

Change is often necessary. At the same time, it is often difficult. When you expect change to be hard you are prepared for what happens. If you expect the change to be hard and it goes easily, you are prepared. If you expect change to be hard and it is, you are prepared for it.

Whenever it is time to make a change, whether it is your idea or not, understand it may be hard. Know and accept this fact from the start. Not only that, when change comes and it is hard, your confidence won’t be weakened. Instead, it will be strengthened because you are prepared for the difficulty, your confidence will remain strong.

Knowing that change is hard for everyone lets you know that you are not doing something wrong when you face difficulty.

Sometimes when things are hard for us, we think things are only hard for us. We don’t realize that some things are hard for everyone. When you realize that change is hard for everyone, that can boost your confidence. This is because you will realize that you are not worse than other people. The knowledge will help you understand that change being hard is normal. In turn, that will help you understand that there is nothing wrong with change being hard for you.                


If you want to read more about creating the confidence you need to succeed, check out:

Also, check out our Confidence Tip of the Day YouTube channel for hundreds of videos on creating the confidence you need to succeed.

You have done hard things before, so you can do this.

One of the best things about realizing that change is hard is that you have done other hard things. Learning to walk for the first time was hard. There have been many hard things in your life – first day at school, jobs, relationships. All those things had hard parts. The fact that you were able to get through all those things proves you can do hard things. Since you have done hard things in the past, you can do the hard things changes in your life require.

So, the next time challenges come your way,  remember today’s tip, change is hard. When you do, remember that you are ready to handle the difficulty. Keep in mind that change being hard is not a sign you are doing something wrong. Finally, remember that you have done hard things before so you can do hard things again.

Photo of Jneane Davis next to the right of text describing who she is and what she does