Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

We train individuals and teams to work with confidence and competence. Call: 484 381 0532. Email: janeanedavis@janeanesworld.com.

Miracle Morning – An Entrepreneur’s Journey

For a miracle morning, have you ever gotten up 2 hours earlier than normal to go for a walk?Entrepreneur, take time tomorrow to get up and go to work early.

Nelson Mandela and Why You Don’t Need Permission to Shine

Always remember that you never have to ask for permission to shine. You have a right to shine simply because you exist. So be like the little start and twinkle…

Confidence Tip -Change Isn’t Easy But You Can Do It

Today's confidence tip of the is change is hard, but that is okay because you have done hard things before so you can do them again

Take Action Now to Accomplish Your Dreams – They Are Close

Take action now to accomplish your dreams with confidence because they are closer than you think. Today is the perfect day to get moving and make your dreams your reality.

Confidence Tip of the Day – Change is Hard

Today's confidence tip of the day is: change is hard, but that is okay because you have done hard things before so you can do them again.

Take Action Now – Your Dreams Are Just Ahead

Take action now because your dreams are just ahead waiting for you to grab them. Never again treat your dreams like trash on the floor. Instead, treat your dreams like…

JDA 20 Tips for Entrepreneurs – A Powerful Introduction

Why tips for entrepreneurs - because I believe every entrepreneur can succeed and be happy with the right encouragement, inspiration, and motivation. That is why I work to provide resources…

Creating Confidence – Be Strong -You Can Do It!

This article is about getting dressed with confidence feeling confident before you get out of bed each morning

Take Action Now and Be Thankful You Can

Every day there are people who wish they could take action, but they can't. Sometimes they can't because they are afraid. Sometimes they can't because they don't know how. If…

Religion and Business Can Work Together

Religion is important to me and I spend my life looking for miracles and expecting the impossible, and life is always thrilling. As people who read this blog on a…