Today is a good day to take action now and get healthy all over. Remember there is more to you than your physical health. Pay attention to your mental, emotional, sexual, spiritual, and physical health. When you are healthy all over you will be happier and more productive.
It is time to take action now and get healthy in all areas of your life. Often when people talk about getting healthy, they talk about their physical health. While it is important to have good physical health, we must also strive to have good health mentally, emotionally, sexually, spiritually and financially. If any one of these areas is out of balance, it will cause problems in the other areas as we try to compensate. As a result, it is important for do what you can to truly be healthy all over.
As with most things, you need a plan. Get out a pen and paper or your favorite electronic device and list all the areas of your life – physical, mental, emotional, sexual, spiritual and financial. Once you have that list, start an appraisal. Write down where you are in each of these areas. Then write down where you would like to be in each of these areas. Once those two sections are done, start working on a plan to move from where you are to where you want to be. When it comes to your health, your all over health, keep in mind, “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”
If you want to read more ideas about how to take action now and get things done, check out:
Take Action Now and Get Healthy All Over– While it is important to have good physical health, we must also strive to have good health mentally, emotionally, sexually, spiritually, and financially. Click here to read more.
Create a TAN Network to Help You Take Action Now– When you are at a point where you need help to take action now and to get motivated to take action, but cannot act on your own, it is time to gather a support network. Click here to read more.
Also, check out our Confidence Tip of the Day YouTube channel for hundreds of videos on creating the confidence you need to succeed.
You will have an idea of what to do for some or perhaps all of the areas of your life. For those areas, the planning will be easy. For other areas you will have no idea what to do. If there are areas where you do not know what to do or how to do it, start researching. You can do research via the local library, with professionals, counselors or via blog and other articles on the internet. Start researching now and that you will be prepared to take action now and get things done. Getting healthy or maintaining good health in all areas of your life is like eating an elephant. it is possible to eat an elephant. In order to do it, you simply do it one bite at a time. You get healthy all over in much the same way, one step at a time.
It is important to keep in mind that getting healthy all over and maintaining good health all over is an action. Once you know what you need to do and have a plan of action, you must move. Good things, important things, valuable things in life happen when we take action and take action now.
After all, if you take action now, you will not wonder what would have happened if you had started moving. You want to be healthy all over, you know it is important to be healthy all over, so take action now to get healthy all over. You will not regret it.
It is magnificent to take action now and get healthy in all areas of your life. So, the question for you this magnificent day is what are you doing to be truly healthy all over?
What a great article. I think its important that we all take the time to look at our lives over all to have a balance. It gives us a better quality of life. Like you shared, its important to take the time to write it down and evaluate what you want to make life better for yourself. Thanks for sharing this. It got my brain thinking about quality of life and healthy living.
I have been making small changes to help improve my health. This is a great post
Living a cleaner lifestyle is definitely something I’m really focused on right now!
I feel like this kind of balance is what I’ve been missing. It’s definitely on my list for 2015!
Hahahahahaha, I am sure toes are fine.
It is great you found a professional to help you get where you want to be. Normally improvements in one area of our health makes us feel better and helps us to feel better and make necessary adjustments in others.
Definitely one of my goals this year. So true that we need to take care of ourselves.
Getting healthy and sticking to it is a great plan for 2015. I can’t wait to get back to the gym once I kick this nasty lingering cold!
Great post – I definitely have getting healthier on my goals for 2015.
I love this, I have major financial goals for 2015 and I’m really excited about reaching them by the years end. In years past none of my goals have been about finance, not sure why but I’m on the ball this year already. Thanks for sharing.
Great post! I need to focus on being healthy too.
I love that you expand on different areas of health instead of just the physical. There is a lot to be said about mind and body health and wellness as one not compartmentalized.
I really enjoyed this post. This year I have a goal of being healthy on all levels!!
Researching is great advice. And amongst the research, you’re sure to find inspiration or motivation too!
Great post, this is my year to get healthy physically and spiritually! Great on so many levels!
Thanks for showing us how to improve! There are many areas I could stand to improve in, and now I know where to start,
Oh my, I should have skipped this post LOL you stepped on a few toes! Let me get better
There are so many fun ways to get healthy nowadays. You just have to take the information in and use it to make a plan
One of my biggest challenges. I need to set my mind and make a plan. Thanks for being the voice of reality.
Being healthy all over is so important! People tend to forget to focus on health in other areas rather than just your body.
Great post. You are so right… everything starts with a plan. Thanks for posting
So true. Must take care of the whole. Very important.
I started a vegan lifestyle this year to help get healthy. So far all is good.
I’m starting a ‘physical’ health transformation tomorrow by working with a nutritionist and developing healthier food choices.. I’m hoping it helps with other aspects of health, such as mental health or positivism and energy.
I need to get a grip and overhaul my health. I am overweight and sick all the time.
My saying of the year is mental fitness is sexy. I am staying positive, praying, staying close to God and focusing on all things good!
this is so true, many people focus on one aspect this time of year. but happiness will come when all three are taken care of.
This is a great reminder that we need to take care of all parts of ourselves.
I need help in several of these areas. 🙂
There are a few areas of my life that could use a complete overhaul. I need to work on that.