Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Empowering scholars to succeed and thrive through encouragement, inspiration, and motivation.


African American Family and the word family

Most entrepreneurs have families they care about. Those families include spouses, children, parents, and even distant cousins. Family relationships are one of the things that make all the work an entrepreneur does worth it. While you are working to build your business, please remember to take time to build, nurture, and care for your family.


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  • New Look at Parent/Kid Relationships—We’re Not Friends

New Look at Parent/Kid Relationships—We’re Not Friends

Take a new look at the parent/kid relationship and realize you are not friends. The relationship you have is multi-faceted and important. Parents and kids are logs of things, but…

Teach Your Children to Be Independent

You can find serenity in teaching your children to be independent, but be child specific in your lessons.

I am Their Parent – Not Their Friend

Find serenity by realizing that being a parent is harder than being a friend to your children, but it is so worth the effort. It is always fun to listen…

Lessons for Our Children – It’s OK to Fail

Life has many lessons for our children. One lesson we must teach them is that it is okay to fail. It will happen. So don’t wait for it to happen…

First the Tragedy and It’s Scary Then What?

We all experience tragedy. The question is after the tragedy, then what happens and what will you do.

Best Advice From a Friend (Grandma)

Advice from a friend is a treasured resource. If you have friends who share good advice with you, appreciate it. Then find a way to use it to make life…

“Spy Games” – A Movie Full of Great Lessons

It is sensational when you can watch a movie like "Spy Games" and learn some great lessons that help you personally and professionally.

Aaahh, I was on My Own

When I was 19 years old I moved into my first apartment. And just like that, I was on my own, an aaaahhh, moment.

Celebrate Your Children

Every day is a great day to celebrate your children. There are few things more valuable to a child than a parent's love and admiration.

Traveling with Kids – Bring Their Good Stuff

Each summer children finish school for the year and parents travel for family vacations. For some families travel is a glorious experience, for others, it is a horrible experience that…