Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Empowering scholars to succeed and thrive through encouragement, inspiration, and motivation.

Use Technology in a New Way – Cell Phone Camera

cell phone camera

Use Technology in a New Way - Cell Phone Camera

The typical cell phone camera is an amazing tool, almost like an electric Swiss army knife. As time goes by the devices we use become more sophisticated, smaller and more common.

Once upon a time, people could not imagine the need for cellular phones. Now it is almost impossible to live without them. Today we are carrying smart phones that are full of all kinds of features and applications. It sense to use our phones for more than just making telephone calls. The feature we will be discussing today is the cell phone camera.

Want to read more about technology

If you want to read more about technology, check out:

Technology Tip – Use Your Phone as a Personal Organizer – It is terrific to know that you can use your phone as a personal organizer and keep your life in order. Click here to read more. 

5 Ways to Use Your Technology to Work Smarter -It is terrific to start using your technology to work smarter and not just harder. Click here to read more. 

While the camera on the typical cell phone will not replace a professional grade camera, it is more than sufficient for many purposes.  The following are some great uses for the camera on your cellular phone:  

  • Comparison Shopping – When shopping for items at more than one store, take a photograph of the store name, item, price tag and location in the store so you can find it easily later
  • Parking Lot Assistant – In a busy mall parking lot take a picture of your parked car and the steps to the elevator. The cars next to you may leave but following your pictures backwards  will get you back to your car

It is terrific to use your cell phone camera in new and exciting ways to make life easier.

  • Phone Number Catcher – when you go buy houses for sale or rent, store locations and the like, take a photo of the phone number instead of just writing it down. This will help you remember the atmosphere of the place, help with transposition errors and be a better memory aid than just a phone number alone.
  • Grocery List – take a photo of kitchen grocery items as you run out and save them in a separate file. This way you can flip through the photos as you shop and pick up all the items you use and need. Also when shopping take photographs of interesting combinations at sample stations so you can re-create the ones you like at home later.
  • Receipt Records – take photographs of your shopping receipts and save them on your computer. Many stores need your receipt information for returns, warranty service and the like. If you have a photograph of the receipt, the store will be able to get the necessary information from the receipt and help you when the original receipt has disappeared.
  • Bullet Journal  – instead of lugging around your bullet journal with you everywhere you go, snap photos of current pages.  You can refer to the pages you need and make notes to transfer to your bullet journal later.  You can also use my bullet journal secret. I created a bullet journal using One Note and now I can use it right on my phone, tablet, or laptop.
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These are just a few of the novel uses for the camera on your cellular telephone. There are many more. In conclusion, it is terrific to use your cell phone camera in new and exciting ways to make life easier. So the question for you this terrific day is, what are some great ways you use your cell phone camera?

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12 thoughts on “Use Technology in a New Way – Cell Phone Camera”
  1. I really like using it for the grocery list and parking. I always leave the paper list at home. I also take pics when i go into a complex building so I can find my way out.

  2. I like having programs like OneNote on my phone. If you are still stuck when you read this, show it to your kids or a neighbor’s kids they will get you set up in no time flat.

  3. My children gave me a brand new, high end smartphone for Christmas. I am still trying to figure out how to use it. Haha. I get technologically challenged at times. I have to find where I can access One Note on my new phone. That will help “declutter” my bag.

  4. It is pretty amazing when you think about all of the things you can do with our cell phone. It’s replaced so many extra devices.

  5. These are all great ideas for using your cell phone camera. I will definitely be using it to make a grocery list and for remembering where I parked.

  6. That’s a great tip about grocery lists. I’ve left my written list at home many times, and it sure would be nice to have a backup image on my phone!

  7. I love the idea of saving money in smart ways with technology. Doing some comparison shopping on some regularly bought groceries should help a lot.

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