• Wed. Nov 22nd, 2023

Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

We train individuals and teams to work with confidence and competence. Call: 484 381 0532. Email: janeanedavis@janeanesworld.com.

Teach Your Children to Be Independent – But Be Child Specific


You can find serenity in teaching your children to be independent, but be child-specific in your lessons. A person who is independent is not controlled by others in matters of opinion, conduct, or thinking.

Often children get into trouble that lasts a lifetime because they are not independent thinkers. They don’t have the heart to stand up and do the right things. Independent children are more likely to do the right thing and less likely to succumb to negative peer pressure. This happens to children of all ages. Check out the following examples:

  • Toddlers filling the toilet with toilet paper and toys
  • Elementary school students drawing on the walls in the bathroom
  • Middle school students sneaking off to smoke
  • High school students experimenting with drugs and sex

These are small examples of things kids can do to get into a little trouble just by listening to their friends, by not exercising independent judgment and thought.


To read more about love and family, check out the following:

A Family Game – You can find serenity in learning that it can be really fun to create a family game. Click here to read more.


Best Pick-Up Line Ever and The Communist Manifesto

I never would have thought I would hear the best pick-up line every while reading the “Communist Manifesto.” Click here to read more.

Also, check out our Confidence Tip of the Day YouTube channel for hundreds of videos on creating the confidence you need to succeed.


Keep in mind that children who do not learn to think independently and resist negative peer pressure as children, grow up get into increasingly more serious trouble. The trouble may never be legal trouble, but failing to be able to think and act independently leads to a life less satisfying than life could be. It might help to think of teaching independence similar to teaching a child to read. No one gives the typical two-year-old a volume of Shakespeare’s collected works. Instead, the typical two-year-old is given the alphabet, then puts the letters together to make words, then books which increase in the level of difficulty. Independence should be taught the same way, small lessons that build on one another.

While teaching children to be independent, one must keep in mind that each child is an individual and learns at different paces and with different motivations. This fact is hard for some parents to understand. The thing that made it real to me that each and every child is an individual is the fact that my twins who were breastfed and always ate at the same time had different colored bowel movements! That experience made it crystal clear to me that each child is different and reacts to the same events in different manners.

As a result, one child may learn each lesson after one try while another must be shown the same ideas repeatedly. However, it doesn’t matter how many times it takes to get the lesson learned. The important part is that the lesson is learned. When your children learn to be independent, think for themselves, and be responsible for their thoughts and actions, your life as a parent will be better. It is worth the effort it takes to make your child an independent thinker.


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In conclusion, you can find serenity in teaching your children to be independent. Be child-specific in your lessons. So, the question for you this serene day is how do you teach your children to be independent?



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2 thoughts on “Teach Your Children to Be Independent – But Be Child Specific”
  1. I have a teenager and it is hard giving her the appropriate independence while explaining to the younger ones why they cannot do everything their big sister can do.

  2. With W we are at an odd stage where he is asserting his independence with everything and I am the one who is learning which moments to let him go for it and when to jump in. Four is a hard age!

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