Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Everyone can succeed and be happy with the right encouragement, inspiration, and motivation!

Communist Pick-Up Lines or How I Met My Husband

I never thought I would be a fan of Communist pick up lines, but that is how I met my husband. Reading “The Communist Manifesto” as a college student got my husband’s attention. I never would have thought that I would hear the best pick-up line ever while reading the Communist Manifesto. But low and behold, when I was in my sophomore year at college, my husband hit me with the best pick-up line ever! I don’t talk about politics much in this space. That is funny because of all the blog articles I have written, the favorite of all times amongst my readers is this article featuring Karl Marx’s volume – The Communist Manifesto. I read it again recently because it has been almost thirty-five years since I read it and I have forgotten most of what I read all those years ago.

At first, we think it’s one thing, then we find out it’s another.

As children, we see only a small part of the world. Often we see the world through rose-colored glasses. As we mature, we learn more about how the world works and make different assumptions, better estimates, and more educated decisions. So, while we celebrate youth and all its benefits in terms of physical strength, beauty, and good skin tone, it is also important to celebrate the benefits of aging. With age comes wisdom, knowledge, experience, and hopefully deeper understanding. Those things also should be celebrated. Looking back at The Communist Manifesto now, I see the young Marx trying to make his way in the world attempting to create the world he wanted. Now as a wife and mother, when I look at The Communist Manifesto,  I see my children. I see them tell me with strong know it all attitudes and the pride of youth that they will do things differently when they are adults with children of their own. I see them discuss rules at school and the laws of our country and voice their opinions on how they can do things better, more fairly, and more efficiently. That is one of the benefits of time, it gives you a different perspective on things, a new way to look at the world based upon experience, knowledge, and wisdom.

It is sensational to look at an old book in a new way. 

The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx is one of my favorite books. Not for its political point of view or its arguments on communism and how the world should be run. It is one of my favorite books because it got me a husband. I read the book more than 30 years ago and to be honest, I don’t remember most of it. The Communist Manifesto is one of my favorite books because when I was reading it as part of my college honors program I met my husband. I was sitting in a lounge area reading the book when my husband walked up to me and said what to this date is the best pickup line ever, “Karl Marx was an idiot.”

Communist pick up lines can become words to live by.

Ooooooo, talk about smart, sexy, and confident. I fell for Darren and wanted to marry him that day because of that pickup line. That is the funny thing about books. Sometimes they are not used in the way they are intended. In the honor’s program, we were studying philosophic arguments from famous figures throughout history. We were exposed to Marx’s book not to convert us to communism, but to expose us to his philosophy which was influential throughout the world. Marx wrote the book with his friend Engels in order to convince people of how wonderful and proper the communist way of life would be. I read the book in order to get an A on the essay exam. My husband to be used the book to pick up a cute young chick on a college campus. With age, I see The Communist Manifesto as a source of lasting romance. I know that it is a political book. I know it was written by a young man who wanted to change the world. He had a dream and a vision for the future. While I am not politically in line with Karl Marx, I was once a young woman with dreams for the future. Like Marx, my dreams came true. Interestingly, Marx is partially responsible for the life I have built for myself.

The magic of Communist pick up lines.

I will always treasure my memory of The Communist Manifesto bed because it got me a husband and made me appreciate communist pick-up lines. The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx is one of my favorite books. Not for its political point of view or its arguments on communism and how the world should be run. I have been a liberal Democrat all my life. I never would have thought communist pick-up lines would be my area of expertise. The Communist Manifesto is one of my favorite books because it got me a husband. Ooooooo, talk about smart, sexy, and confident. I fell for Darren and wanted to marry him that day because of that pick-up line. That is the funny thing about books. Sometimes they are not received in the way they are intended. In the honor’s program, we were studying philosophic arguments from famous figures throughout history. We were not reading Marx’s book to convert to communism. We read it to learn about philosophy which was influential throughout the world. Marx wrote the book with his friend Engels in order to convince people of how wonderful and proper the communist way of life would be. I read the book in order to get an A on an essay exam. My husband to be used the book to create the best pick-up line ever and to pick up a cute young chick on a college campus.
If you want to read more about this entrepreneur’s happily ever after story check out – What a Thing to Say – I Had Nothing Better to Do

Books are incredible things.

We all know a picture is worth a thousand words, but the words are the thing. Words are powerful and can make us weak in our knees. Words are loud but can be shared in just a whisper.  Some people dream of a thousand pairs of shoes and purses to match. Not me. I dream of a thousand pairs of words and paragraphs to put them into. Books are treasures more precious than diamonds and rubies. The Communist Manifesto was not the first book I fell in love with. I have loved books since I learned to read when I was three and read Dr. Seuss’ Hop on Pop. All my life I have known that books have the power to transform life and reality. There have been times when I have gotten lost in the pages of a book. At those times, I have forgotten for a moment that I was not actually in the middle of the action. Special books take over my mind and imagination and make me feel as if I am someplace else. There have been books that made me forget that I was actually sitting in Rittenhouse Park in Philly. I was not in the streets of New York like the characters in my book. . It has been lost on me that I was not in a book, but out on my deck in Trevose due to pages in a book.  Of all the books I read, and there are too many to count, I will always treasure my memory of The Communist Manifesto best. That book is treasured because it got me a husband.

Books are a treasure beyond measure.

In my world, books are a treasure beyond measure. Karl Marx made me find joy in Communist pick-up lines aka the best pick-up line ever!  It also gave me an appreciation for the book that was not intended. So, the question for you this sensational day is what book have you read and gotten a message different than the author intended?

If you want to read more stories about happily ever after couples, check out the following:   I am Thankful For My Husband Today and Every DayAt Thanksgiving time, people all over America are listing all the things for which they are thankful. I am joining that group and stating that I am thankful today, as I am every day for my husband Darren. Click here to read more. Never Let Them See You Sweat – What I Learned from My Husband – You can find serenity in realizing that you can learn things from an old spouse and I learned, “never let them see you sweat.” I am one of those women who tell old wives’ tales. I tell them because I am an old wife. Click here to read more. Healthy Competition With Your Husband Can Be Fun! – You can find serenity in knowing that a little healthy competition between spouses can be a fun, good and beneficial thing. My husband and I were HOT when we got married. I am talking smoking hot. Click here to read more. Communist Pick Up Lines or How I Met My Husband – I never thought I would be a fan of Communist pick up lines, but that is how I met my husband. Reading “The Communist Manifesto” as a college student got my husband’s attention.  Click here to read more. Love and What a Thing to Say – I Had Nothing Better to Do You can find serenity in building a love that stands the tests of time, in-laws and children. When you find that serenity, you will also find peace, comfort, and strength. Click here to read more. Also, check out our Confidence Tip of the Day YouTube channel for hundreds of videos on creating the confidence you need to succeed. Author Box photo of Janeane Davis on right and her bio on the left