It is wonderful to network to find a job by using contacts you have met only online as well as those from the real world. The world is getting smaller and smaller as technology enables us to meet people from around the world online and travel gets easier and easier in the real world. As we meet more and more people with whom we would like to maintain relationships, networking becomes increasingly important.
Normally the term networking is used to describe a situation under which two or more people with common interests who support one another share information and services. Due to the popularity of social networking sites s many people have a network of people they know only in the virtual world.
In my own life, I started a business with two women I know only online. We will be meeting in person later this year, by then our business will be eight months old! People who work at home, are sole proprietors, or are naturally shy may find that social networking allows them to build a network of people who will provide support, friendship, and opportunities to smile at a convenient time and in a convenient place aka whenever you want on your smartphone, tablet or laptop computer.
In the real world, there are more ways to meet people than this article has room to explore. This is the place where traditional networking takes place – the real world. We meet people, get their business cards, write down their phone numbers or type their contact information into our electronic device of choice. No matter whether the contact is an online contact or a real-world contact it is important that we maintain the relationship and not let the contact wither on the vine so to speak. Here are a few ways you can build or maintain a relationship with your contacts:
- contact day
- clip list
- social media groups
- text message
- computer video chats
- quick call
Contact day – start a list of people you want to maintain a relationship with. Create an actual list so that in one place you have the name, address (physical or e-mail), and phone number of people with whom you want to make sure you maintain a relationship. Next, pick one day per month as your contact day, and on that day reach out to those on your contact list via email, telephone, or by good old-fashioned handwritten letter.
Clip list – as you read magazines on your tablet device or surf the internet if you find an article that will be of interest to someone on your contact list clip it and save it to give to that person. I use a clipping program that lets me save web pages to a cloud-based storage file I have created. Then I can send the “clip” via email right from my Evernote program in a matter of seconds. If you send your contacts timely, relevant and useful information, they will like hearing from you and look forward to receiving your messages.
Social Media Groups – this is a great way to stay in contact with and maintain a relationship with online contacts. An amazing amount of networking, job referring, support, and advice take place via social media groups. One of my favorite online groups is a group for wives on Facebook.
Text Messages – this is a great method of contact for people who are shy or have a lot of people to contact. With text messaging you are able to send a short message of encouragement, support, or advice to someone in seconds and a response is not needed. In mere minutes, you are able to send quick text messages on any subject to dozens of people and thus keep in contact with ease.
Computer video chats – the availability of technological advances and programs like Skype and Google+ hangouts it is very easy to talk with people and see their faces. This is a great method of communication and helps build and develop relationships. These programs make it easy and inexpensive to see a person you are speaking with and is much easier to arrange than an airplane ride across the country.
Quick call – never forget the value of hearing someone’s voice on the telephone. For people of my generation, a telephone used to be for talking and not just texting. It is still nice and appropriate to make a telephone call to stay in touch with people on your contact list.
If you want to read more about succeeding on the job and on a job search, check out:
Commit to Taking the Job Search Seriously By Updating Your Resume – It is wonderful to commit to taking the job search seriously by updating your resume. Click here to read more.
Be Grateful for Your Job Even When it is Time to Go – when it is time to move on, still be grateful for the job you had. Click here to read more.
Also, check out our Confidence Tip of the Day YouTube channel for hundreds of videos on creating the confidence you need to succeed.
In conclusion, it is wonderful to network with people you know in the real world and those you know only online. When we think of our personal and professional networks, we must increasingly look for more creative ways to maintain connections with those who are important to us or whom we want to be important to us. So, the question for you this wonderful day is how do you network?
I am excited about the Chasing Joy Brunch and Learn also because I want to be able to network with my online friends!
I can’t wait to do some networking in person with you at the Chasing Joy Brunch & Learn.
I like your tips hear. I have had a contact list that I refer to on a regular. I do the clip thing to but I’m not as organized as you list here. I can make use of the text and calling tips.
I network online so much. It is easier, safer and I am better at it. I have to kick up my in person game a few notches.
Most of my networking is online. I haven’t networked in person for years :/ Perhaps I should look into that.
One of my 2013 goals was/is to establish and maintain a better network. These are great tips that I will utilize.
These are great ideas Janeane! I really need to put most of these into play in my life–it would make things much easier! Thanks for sharing!
Wonderful information that I can definitely benefit from. I am very thankful for shared information that can always help me in taking my Internet business to the next level for mysel and my Team I will post this article in my office and share with myTeam as well. Thanks for always stepping up to the plate for others, Janeane.