• Tue. Nov 21st, 2023

Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

We train individuals and teams to work with confidence and competence. Call: 484 381 0532. Email: janeanedavis@janeanesworld.com.

Prescription for Good Physical Health

You can be ruled by fear or by hope.


There comes a time in everyone’s life where youth alone is no longer enough to keep you in good physical health. There will be a time when you have to pay attention to your diet and physical activity. If you are an entrepreneur who currently does not pay attention to her physical health, the day is coming when you will need to do so. It is important to remember that our physical health has an impact on all areas of our life, so we need to be as physically healthy as possible.


you have two choices - you can be ruled by fear or by hope when it comes to physical health

The problem with so many of us is that we operate from a place of fear. We are afraid to talk with our doctors in order to know our true health histories. When we are afraid to talk about our health because we don’t want to hear bad news. But, we cannot live by fear. We have to stand tall, brave, and unafraid if we are going to succeed and be happy in life.


Only God can explain why my husband’s doctor’s prescription for good physical health is pancakes and maple syrup 2x per week.


As people who read this blog on a regular basis know, my husband is getting older. I scheduled a doctor’s appointment for his birthday as it was the only day they were both available. He was nervous about the appointment because he is overweight and has some blood pressure issues. When he went in, got the results from more than 20 different tests that were run, and got a new prescription from his doctor.

He must eat pancakes and real maple syrup twice a week. He had no other problems. His prostate, cholesterol, heart condition, all were fine. Who but a kind and merciful God could grant such great results considering what there was to work with? In sum, this ends a wonderful celebratory season for our family and we thank God for the many blessings he has given us.

Check out Inspiration – Find it and Use it to Take Action Now Click here to read more.

Often we live life afraid. Sometimes, we are afraid to get our health checked out because of bad news that may be discovered. We are afraid to search our children’s bookbags because of what we may discover. We are afraid to have hard discussions with our employees because we are afraid of their reactions. Let today be the day you stop letting fear rule your actions. Instead of being ruled by fear, be ruled by hope. When we are hopeful, we do not know what will happen, but we act anyway. When we are hopeful we open ourselves to the possibility that good things can happen.

You can be ruled by fear or by hope when it comes to physical health.

Take a moment to think about it. You have two choices – you can be ruled by fear or by hope. In life, you can always be scared something bad will happen or you can always anticipate a good thing about to happen. You know you would rather live with hope than with fear. So, do something about it. Start living with hope. This means to open the mail, answer the phone and have hard conversations. Sometimes, the news will be bad, but so what! On occasion, the news will be good. More importantly, you will feel better about whatever comes down the road.

 Love Yourself and Your Family Will Be Happier – You can find serenity in learning to show yourself some love. Click here to read more.

Take a moment now to determine how you are going to do things differently now that you have decided to be ruled by hope rather than fear. What things will you avoid? What things will you go after with open arms? Hope is a good thing, use it and enjoy the benefits it brings to your life.


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