Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Empowering scholars to succeed and thrive through encouragement, inspiration, and motivation.

Name It, Claim It, Attain It, and Retain It

African American woman professor at a white board and the words "Name It Claim It Attain It and Retain It"
In order to get what you want in this world, you have to be willing to name it, claim it, attain it, and retain it. There is almost nothing in the world that is simply dropped into your lap without these steps. Take action now to get all you want out of life.  If you want to have a magnificent day, name it, claim it, attain it, and then retain it! Our words have power. It is not the pen that is mightier than the sword. It is the words written by the pen that has the power. Sometimes you have to make things happen yourself. Once in a while, you wake up in the morning and instead of it being a magnificent day, it is just a day. However, you really need it to be a magnificent day. Some people think they are screwed on those days. Not me. I think those are the perfect days to use the name it, claim it, attain it, and retain it system. By that I mean give a voice to what it is you want. First, you name it. Name the thing you wish to do, to acquire, to be. The second step is to claim it. Say to yourself that whatever it is that you have named is yours. It belongs to you, you possess it. Claiming things is powerful and is a step toward being what you want. Claiming is how you make the world around you what you want it to be. The next step is to attain it. Once you have named what you want and claimed it, you are on the road to attaining that thing. So take the steps to do the work, do what you need to do in order to attain what you desire. The final step is retention. Once you have named, claimed, and attained the object of your desires, you need to retain it. This means you need to hold onto the thing, and live the life, be the person you have taken all the steps to become. Nothing good happens by accident or by chance. Good things happen because you put the work in to make them happen. Today is the day you can name the thing you want. Do not wait until tomorrow to claim the life you want. Tomorrow is not when you step up to attain what you want in life. Today is the day you work to retain the thing you have named, claimed, and attained. Nothing works unless you do, so start working now.

If you want to read more ideas about how to take action now and get things done, check out:

Take Action Now and Get Healthy All Over– While it is important to have good physical health, we must also strive to have good health mentally, emotionally, sexually, spiritually, and financially. Click here to read more. and Create a TAN Network to Help You Take Action Now– When you are at a point where you need help to take action now and to get motivated to take action, but cannot act on your own, it is time to gather a support network. Click here to read more. Also, check out our Confidence Tip of the Day YouTube channel for hundreds of videos on creating the confidence you need to succeed.
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African American Woman and the words Name It,  Claim It, Attain It and Retain It
It is easy to say, “name it, claim it, attain it, and retain it.” The hard parts are doing it and believing you can do it. Be encouraged and know that difficulty level does not matter. The important part is that you do it, put in the work, and make it happen. I am not going to give a pithy speech about the journey being the important part. I am not going to do that because when you are struggling to make things work, no one wants to hear that the destination is worth the price of the journey. I will instead share something I heard at church yesterday – there is no triumph without tribulation. In other words, anything worth having is going to take time and hard hard work. Do not let the knowledge that hard work is necessary discourage you from doing the work that is necessary. Instead, step up, do the work and keep pushing forward. So the question for you this magnificent day is what do you want and when are you going to take action to name it, claim it, and attain it. More than that, how are you going to retain it once you get it?
23 thoughts on “Name It, Claim It, Attain It, and Retain It”
  1. This is indeed the posts that we need to read in order to boost ourselves. Motivation and positive vibes are what we need as we are facing such uncertainties.

  2. Thanks for this blog post that give us a motivation. I really love those powerful words!

  3. Wow! This blog is really motivating! I love reading blogs that inspire people! And I totally agree that if you want something…name it, claim it, attain it, and then retain it!

  4. I’m already loving the Title of this post. Such a great and strong mind perspective. I love reading inspiring and motivational post. I totally agree with this life aspect! I stand with the same idea.

  5. Thank you for sharing this motivational post. We all need it this year.

  6. Such a lovely phrase to phrase to keep in mind. I love reading motivating articles like this one especially this time of the year.

  7. So motivating. I will keep these advices in mind,to keep me going.

  8. This post is really inspirational. I have some homework now that I need to do.

  9. What an inspirational post. We must speak power into our lives. And you’re right, name it claim it

  10. Such an inspiring post. Yes, it’s not enough just to say it, you need to have a plan for how it will happen. Love it!

  11. I love your posts! Reading this gets me so fired up! I need to take a long hard look at what I want to name and claim.

  12. This is some good advice. I will keep it in mind for sure. I always tell my kids that nothing is easy and if it’s hard, it means it’s worth it!

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