If you are moving, make sure you check out Verizon’s plans to help people move from one location to another. May and June may be some of the busiest times for movers all across the country. This is in part due to the end of the term at schools and colleges across the country and all the June weddings. When it is time for you to move, be sure to great internet, television and phone service are waiting for you at your new home. Do things the right way because #BetterMatters.
When it is time for you to move, don’t just pick up and go, have a SMART plan.
A SMART plan is one that is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound. When it comes to moving this means:
Be specific with everyone about where you are moving, when you are moving and when you want your belongings, utilities, internet, television and telephone installed, up and running.
Measure everything – how many boxes you are taking, the size of your furniture, the square footage of your storage space or new home. Measure to make sure everything gets where it is supposed to go and will fit when it gets there.
Make sure your the moving plan, packing and get started at the new place are all things that you can do and that can be done
This is not the time for hopes and dreams. As you plan your move, who will help you move, how the move will take place and all the other details, make sure your plan is realistic. Plan based on the hours those who will help you are available, traffic patterns and even the money you have at your disposal.
Set time schedules and be sure to adhere to them. Make sure you have a clear start time for the move. Plan based on how long the move should take and don’t forget to give the team time to break for lunch, potty breaks and even snacks.

I just survived the second year of my daughter being away at college. This means that we have done the big pack up and move four times and have four more times to get through before she graduates college and heads off to grad school. When you do a big move from one side of the country to another there are a lot of things to put on your to-do list.
- Get utilities turned off in one location and on in another
- Pack everything up
- Hire a professional or recruit some friends to help you move
- Start packing as early as practical (don’t be like a college student and do it the night before the movers show up!)
- Pack with a plan (you want to be able to open boxes and use things easily at your new location)
- Keep a few days of clothing, hygiene supplies and cleaning supplies in a separate suitcase you carry yourself
- Arrange to have the utilities, internet, television and telephone turned on at your new location
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When you move from one location to another, not having your internet, television and telephone on and ready the first day in your new place is a major heart breaker. Make sure that you verify your current provider will provide your service at your new location. Verizon has a handy tool that allows you to go on the internet to be sure Verizon is providing service at our new location. If you are used to having great internet speed, crystal-clear television picture and reliable high-quality phone service like I am, you do not want it to stop. Call Verizon and speak with one of the moving specialists. It is the best way to make sure that your services are up and working when you walk in your new front door.
Moving is hard, but it doesn’t have to be a miserable experience. When it is time to move, #BetterMatters so go with Verizon.
Moving is not for the faint of heart. There is so much to consider and plan. You’ve outlined it well!
We always have a game plan when we move. We pack, move, and get out of dodge in like 10-12 hours flat thanks to my hsuband’s smart plans.
Yuk I hate moving! It’s good that Verizon is helping to make it easier! I won’t forget this when we sell our house next year
I’m here to tell you that Verizon is awesome. We had them for years but recently the service changed in California. They’re no longer available here and boy oh boy do we miss them!!
Moving is hard, getting all of your stuff moved with you is even harder. Love that Verizon is trying to take that stress and minimize it.
I make lists of all the things we need to do when we are moving. Calling all the different companies is always at the top of my list.
Having a smart plan when you are moving is the best way to go. I try to give as much notice as i can to all the companies.
We had to go with out internet for a week when we moved last time. If we have to move again i will be a lot more organized.
I couldn’t imagine not having internet when moving. I’m in the process of checking houses out too. I could not even afford to not have internet since I work from home online.
One of the biggest reasons I sigh at thinking of another move is the cable/internet. These days I cannot even afford a day without internet!
We have moved a lot and I have to say a lot of what you have here is exactly spot on! If you are a smart mover you will be organized so that it goes smoothly.
Moving can be a nightmare. I take any help I can get. I like this SMART PLAN!!!
This sounds pretty interesting! We moved last summer and my smart husband had everything come and be hooked up in the afternoon on the day we moved. Luckily we had everything in the house before noon so it wasn’t too bad but if we had to wait, this would be great.
I love this service! I cannot imagine not having internet television and phone as soon as I move into a place. I need all of those for work. Well, two of them, anyway.
Ugh, I can’t stand waiting for internet when moving… so this is just awesome. We moved four times in one year and hopefully won’t be moving anytime soon, but when we do, these tips will come in very handy. Thanks for sharing.