Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Empowering scholars to succeed and thrive through encouragement, inspiration, and motivation.

Miracle Morning – Let Your Light Shine and Let the World See

African American woman with light shining on her face and the words "Miracle Morning Let Your Light Shine and Let the World See"

The first thing that came to me on today’s miracle morning walk was the song “This Little Light of Mine.” I thought about that song and how often we let our light shine versus how often we dim our inner light.

African American woman with light shining on her face and the words "Miracle Morning Let Your Light Shine and Let the World See"

Go to the *** below for a description of the Miracle Morning Routine.

When I turned to look for traffic before crossing the street I was overwhelmed by the brightness of the rising sun. The sun was so bright that even with my sunglasses I had to blink my eyes. I thought about how often we as entrepreneurs are told not to let their light shine.

We are not always encouraged to shine.

People are often told to be humble. We are told not to go brag. Additionally, we are told it is bad to be egotistical. what we are not told often enough is that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. There are great and wonderful things about us that we should share with the world.

The church girl in me knows that a woman is worthy of her hire. In other words, she deserves to be paid for the good work that she does. Along with it, I believe that if you do good work you should not be ashamed to let the world know.

When you think about your life as an entrepreneur, what do you bring to the world? Let today be the day that you start celebrating the good work that you do. Today can be a day where you share wonderful and magnificent things about your business for the whole world to see.

So, the question for you this miracle morning is, how do you let your light shine in your business?

Talk about your features, advantages, and benefits – its FAB!

Early in my college career, I  took Marketing 101. In that class, we were taught to never bad-mouth competitors. We were told to talk about the FAB for our products and services. FAB stands for features, advantages, and benefits. The idea was that if you discussed the FAB of your products and services, customers would want to get to know you better. Once customers get to know you, they begin to trust you, then they will buy from you.

The FAB method is not a big revolutionary idea any longer. However, it still has a place in business. Take every appropriate opportunity to share this information about your products and services. When you truly do a good job, when you truly offer a good product, people want to know about it.

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How do you let your light shine in your business?

If you want to read more about creating the confidence you need to succeed, check out:

Also, check out our Confidence Tip of the Day YouTube channel for hundreds of videos on creating the confidence you need to succeed.

So, the question for you this miracle morning is, how do you let your light shine in your business?


*** What the Miracle Morning means in my world.***

Recently, I decided to start a Miracle Morning routine. For those of you unfamiliar with the concept, it involves getting up a little earlier in the day. The day starts with you doing SAVERS. To translate that into English, it means:







In my world, I start with spirituality – I read my Bible and pray. Next, I read or write affirmations. I do a lot of work dealing with creating confidence so I read my creating confidence affirmations or spend time creating 1 or 2 more. For visualization, I spend time picturing what will make the day successful.

The exercise involves me taking a 20-minute walk around the neighborhood. After my walk, I read. I created a reading list for the mornings. This is a list of books, I want to read for pleasure, for enrichment, or because I need to read them. Finally, it is time to scribe or write. I have decided to turn the things I think about on my walks into blog articles for my scribe activity.

Stay tuned for our next installment in the Miracle Morning series.

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