• Tue. Nov 21st, 2023

Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

We train individuals and teams to work with confidence and competence. Call: 484 381 0532. Email: janeanedavis@janeanesworld.com.

Improve Family Life – Spend Alone Time with Each Child

You can find serenity for your family by spending alone time with each child. Most parents who have more than one child know that one of the most precious gifts you can give a child is one-on-one attention.
Very often in families with one or more children, parents spend time with children in a group rather than on a one-on-one basis. When you are part of a multi-child family your children often will get very little private time with you.  Quality of life in your family will get better if your children feel special, loved, and are able to have private time with you.
Being a parent to more than one child is challenging for a variety of reasons including:
  • children crave attention
  • children want to feel special
  • children want to feel they’re valued
  • children want confirmation that their parents love them
  • there are  a finite number of hours in each day
  • there is a finite amount of energy each parent has at any particular time


To read more about love and family, check out the following:

A Family Game – You can find serenity in learning that it can be really fun to create a family game. Click here to read more.


Best Pick-Up Line Ever and The Communist Manifesto

I never would have thought I would hear the best pick-up line every while reading the “Communist Manifesto.” Click here to read more.

Also, check out our Confidence Tip of the Day YouTube channel for hundreds of videos on creating the confidence you need to succeed.



By spending time with your children on a one-on-one basis you are able to satisfy all these desires. The great thing about one on one time with your children is that you do not have to spend a lot of time or do a lot of expensive things in order to satisfy a child’s desire for one on one attention. The following are a few activities I have done with my children that  made them feel special:
  • ask child set the table for dinner as you prepare dinner
  • have your child read you a story as you drive to errands
  • take your child to the local coffee shop to watch movies on your phone, tablet, or laptop computer
  • let your child help pay bills by picking a bill from the pile to be paid next
  • brag to your child about a work accomplishment
  • allow your child to sit and tell you her favorite thing that happened at school each day
  • get one child up a few minutes earlier than the rest for hot chocolate time
  • allow one child to stay up a few minutes  later to share secrets


As this list shows, there are a lot of things you can do easily to give a child a bit of one-on-one attention. This will make the child feel special all at the same time.  So, the question for you this serene day is, what are your tips for giving your children each one on one time and making them feel special?

11 thoughts on “Improve Family Life – Spend Alone Time with Each Child”
  1. Glad I could help. I am now working on keeping a little cheat sheet for each kid because it is sometimes hard to remember all the little things they like to do and want to do at hangout time!

  2. Two of the children told me this morning how much they love on on time with their dad and I. It is such a little thing that gives such big results.

  3. This is such a good plan! I need to do this with my oldest more often. With him in school, I feel like we lose our one-on-one time!

  4. Holly, you are right. One of the best things about spending time with children is that for most things you don’t need a lot of money, just time.

  5. Great advice, I love that making special time for each child can be done right at home with a bit of extra thought and planning. It doesn’t have to be a grand outing, instead it is often in quiet moments together that we can delight in our children.

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