Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Empowering scholars to succeed and thrive through encouragement, inspiration, and motivation.

Grilled Pork is Good Everyday – Don’t Wait for a Holiday

pork is good everday www.janeanesworld.com

This post has been sponsored by the National Pork Board, and all opinions found here are my own.

After you read this article, share your favorite ways to make pork for your family in the comments below for a chance to win a great grill set and a $100 Walmart gift card! I truly believe that every working mom can succeed and be happy with the right encouragement, inspiration and motivation. One thing that can help working moms feel encouraged, inspired and motivated is the ability to create good tasting meals for the family. The National Pork Board teams with Walmart each year to share ideas for cooking with delicious and nutritious pork products that can help everyone make a delicious meal. I am not a good cook. My Thanksgiving dinners are always amazing and delicious. My struggle is making everyday meals something my family will not mind eating.  Pork works for me, so I know it will work for those of you reading this article.

#grillporksweeps prize pack www.janeanesworld.com
This is the amazing prize pack! What’s not to love about all this stuff and the $100 Walmart Gift Card to buy pork products!

When I found out about the National Pork Board’s #grillporksweeps I admit I was excited. By working with the National Pork Board, I am able to offer some really fortunate readers a chance to win one of the amazing grill sets pictured below. These grill kits work amazingly well on your outdoor grill. I will admit I used the scrub brush on my indoor grill after someone at my house grilled something for 30 minutes “by accident!” The great grill kit comes with a $100 Walmart gift card. That means you will be able to buy pork chops, pork roast and pork sausage. You will be able to grill all your heart desires! With the grill kit and the gift card, you know the National Pork Board really means it when they say – “National Pork Board – Pork’s Got Your Grill Covered!”

pork dinner www.janeanesworld.com
A simple grilled pork dinner with quick cook mac and cheese and broccoli.

Continued on page 2. Click 2 below to continue.

12 thoughts on “Grilled Pork is Good Everyday – Don’t Wait for a Holiday”
  1. That was a meal made for the kids – boxed mac and cheese, steamed broccoli and the grilled pork – quick and easy even for the picky eaters!

  2. I love pork, especially on the grill. I’ve been experimenting with new rubs and seasonings to mix things up a bit. I love that you talk about the versatility since it’s so easy to get bored with the same old dishes. Yay pork!!

  3. We grill year round and there’s something about grilled pork chops! I’ve never tried the marinade with pork chops – I will definitely try that soon. Your chops look scrumptious!

  4. Pork has a good history with me. I remember when I was young I would hate getting my hands dirty when I ate; I would cry a lot (I was really young)! It wasn’t until I had ribs for the first time that I could really understand the very necessary mess to enjoy some good pork! Also, I’ve never been sad while eating a pork chop .

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