Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Everyone can succeed and be happy with the right encouragement, inspiration, and motivation!

Want Your Business To Run Better – Know What Everyone Does


It is thrilling to know that you can make your business run better if you know what every department does.   Almost everyone has heard the expression, “knowledge is power.” When it comes to operating your business, this is definitely true. Take time right now to look at your business. Do you know everything it takes to make your business run from day-to-day? If the answer is yes, excellent. If the answer is no, get out a pen and some paper, take notes, there is some work for you to do.

Good employees are a special and treasured resource. A mistake often made by entrepreneurs is making employees indispensable to a business’ success. When an employee is indispensable, your business will be seriously damaged or nay fail if a key employee leaves. You should  take steps to be sure business operations continue if you are  away from the business. Similarly, things should continue smoothly if a key employee leaves the business.

learn how your business works www.janeanesworld.com
Do not make any employee crucial or indispensable to your business. A position or work function may be indispensable of course, but no person should have the power to stop your business operations. Make a list of all the things it takes to make your business operate. Next look at the list to see if there is any function you cannot perform. Start today and learn how  to do each job on your list. This does not mean you have  to do each job. Indeed, you may not want to several key jobs. However,  you must know how to do each job. This will give you the power to dismiss employees who need to be let go. It will give you the strength and ability to continue operations if a key employee leaves or is absent from work. Additionally, this knowledge will make it easier for you to hire a replacement should that become necessary. Yet another benefit is that when you understand how each part and how each person functions, you will be better able to handle day-to-day operations.

This is a matter of control – you should be in control of your business operations, not your employees. Remember, it is your business. You must show up like a grown up and make things work. Knowledge about the things needed to make your business run helps you manage your business and employees because it enables you to run from a position of knowledge. Decisions made based upon knowledge are better than decisions made based upon ignorance or wishful thinking.  


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In conclusion, it is thrilling to know that you can make your business run better if you know what every department does. So, the question for you this thrilling day is, do you know how everything in your business runs? 

28 thoughts on “Want Your Business To Run Better – Know What Everyone Does”
  1. I haven’t a clue how my business runs. But then again I don’t really think of what I do as a business. Yet. I need to take some of these tips and consider them for the future.

  2. Susan you are smart to do that. I have a friend who is a BIG blogger ,but she cannot add a widget or change a theme herself. When she had a fight with her web designer, her site was down for a week. It cost her advertising money and she had to pay the designer extra.

  3. I am so happy and honored that you found something here that is sueful to you in the real world and may help someone in your circle.

  4. This is great advice. I have been trying to learn a bit about each type of job that goes into being a good blogger, so that I can really rise up.

  5. Establishing a good rapport with your employees does wonders too.

  6. Everything you wrote regarding employees is so true! As I read this, someone I know came to mind and I believe they would find it useful, I’ll have to share it with him!

  7. I think knowing how everything operates is very important. It also builds confidence in the employees.

  8. I have to have control so that I know the job gets done right – I wouldn’t do well with having multiple employees.

  9. I need all the help that I can get when it comes to growing my business. I seem to be stuck in a rut right now that I can’t get out of. Thanks for your advice.

  10. Good employees can make or break a business. Especially in higher up positions, like management!

  11. Cathy, what a great point… if anything were to happen to me, I think my hubby would be lost, and my business would probably be lost too.
    Thanks for the tips.
    I ran a child care for 5 years and we worked like a well oiled machine.

  12. It is so important to know what each person does in your business. I have had jobs in the past where there was no communication and no one knew what anyone else was doing.

  13. I have seen several times what happens when the key person leaves the company. It’s a real mess and stress to other employees.

  14. I definitely agree that a business owner needs to be fully in touch with all aspects of their business. Silent partnerships are nice until something goes wrong.

  15. Such great advice. This could also apply to a household….sometimes I worry how little my husband knows about how to do some of the things I do on a daily basis, especially financial type things.

  16. I have worked for people that have been completely clueless before. it was horrible.

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