Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Empowering scholars to succeed and thrive through encouragement, inspiration, and motivation.

Find New Sales Techniques Now

African American woman talking on a cell phone and the words "Find New Sales Techniques Now"

It is always a good time to find new sales techniques. No matter how long you have been in business, there is always a new trick for you to learn. Take time today to find some new ways to do business and make your business stronger.

African American woman talking on a cell phone and the words "Find New Sales Techniques Now"


It is indeed exciting, stressful, wonderful, and amazing to be the owner of a business of your very own. There is something quite exciting about holding the fate of an enterprise in your hands. The ability to provide jobs for other people and help them support their families is indeed a great and wonderful thing. When you first started your business you had ways of reaching your customers that got better over time until you were able to sell to most people you sought as customers.

As time passed your business grew and both you and your employees grew more invested in your business. You established a reputation as a good, ethical business person and your neighbors began to look at you as a fixture in the community. Then one day you start to notice it is increasingly hard to get customers to accept your old sales techniques. Business is starting to slow down, cash flow is starting to get a little sketchy. It is time for a change in how you sell to your customers.

When you notice that what you were doing before is not working and your business is beginning to take a turn for the worse, you must take action. There is nothing to be gained by continuing down an unsuccessful path until the absolute last minute. It is crucial that you watch your business cash flow, receivables, and all financial indicators on a weekly basis at a minimum. Paying close attention to the numbers will alert you to changes in your business’ status in sufficient time to make the necessary adjustments and changes.


It is thrilling to find new sales techniques for your business.


If your sales techniques stop working, it is not the end of the world. It is time for a new beginning. Look at what is working for your competitors, read industry alerts, talk with your friends, network. Look for new ways to get customers. Find new ways to sell what you have to offer. This is not a time for blind and willful adherence to the old ways that are no longer working. This is a time to get moving and get moving fast, move smart, but move fast.


If  you want to read more about succeeding as an entrepreneur, check out:

Be Thankful for Your Business – It Provides Jobs — Even if you a solo operation with no employees, your business decisions matter far and beyond your business. Click here to read more.


Customer Service Matters, So Make Yours Excellent – Customers help make your business go around so treat them right! Click here to read more.

Also, check out our Confidence Tip of the Day YouTube channel for hundreds of videos on creating the confidence you need to succeed.




Most importantly, remember that a wise person prepares for war in the time of peace. This means that while things are going well for business and sales are at an all-time high, keep alert for new sales techniques, new ways of reaching customers, new ways to make the business work. So, the question for you this thrilling day is, do you have a plan B for getting sales for your company?


2 thoughts on “Find New Sales Techniques Now”
  1. This is great advice. I worked as an independent contractor in the financial services field. I was able to hire people and teach them to do what I did, so I could work less. In the financial field…things can change very quickly. We were constantly learning new techniques while remaining firm in our foundation. It is important for survival. I was not in the right market, so I did not survive. However, I wonder had I learned a few techniques to approach those who were in the right market, might I have gone further in the business.

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