It is terrific to learn that technology can help you be independent, so get technical on the go. The world of work and where work takes place has evolved a great deal over the past ten years. It is becoming more common for entrepreneurs to telecommute and to meet with clients and prospects virtually instead of in person. It is the incredible technology that is making this possible. Entrepreneurs will be well served to embrace the new technological advances that enable them to work with ease on the go, rather than being tethered to a desk, power cord or office space. An investment in a tablet PC, Smartphone and cloud based storage can help an entrepreneur get out of the office and into the world.
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Once upon a time, it was common to see entrepreneurs stop at a local coffee-house, pull out a huge laptop computer and work while sipping on cups of coffee. Today, those same entrepreneurs are pulling out tablets or even smart phones and getting to work. Today’s tablets have much of the same horsepower found in laptops with much less weight and a smaller footprint. Smartphones now have a great deal of processing power, incredible software as well as great portability. Many entrepreneurs are using their Smartphones as minicomputers that happen to make telephone calls. Increasingly traveling entrepreneurs are using tablets at meetings to take notes and collate information rather than notebooks. Tablets which are lighter in weight than the typical paperback novel are easy to pack, carry and use. E-book readers make it possible to carry thousands of books in the palm of your hand or a large jacket pocket! At your next business meeting or conference, try using your tablet to take notes, capture images and curate information.
The move from pen and paper to desktop computer was not an easy one for some entrepreneurs. Similarly, the move from desktop computer to laptop took some convincing. We are in a similar position now with tablets and Smartphones. It may seem strange to use them for business, and perhaps it is, but that doesn’t change the fact that it is a good idea. As with any piece of technology, it is important to have the right programs and backups. Programs like Evernote enable you to do word processing on your portable device and then access it on your stationery device whenever you prefer. Cloud based storage drives like Skydrive, Google Drive and Drop box make it possible to store, access and use files and information in the palm of your hand. Technology truly makes it possible to work on the go. Instead of grabbing a briefcase full of files, folders, papers and books, just grab your tablet or Smartphone and go.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. the compliment on the video means a lot to me. I have only done two and it is a whole new game for me.
I love your video and your ideas! Thanks for posting!
Great video. Short, sweet and to the point.
I’ve been yearning for a tablet so badly.
But I do a lot with my iPhone when I’m attending social media events. I can tweet, Instagram, vlog and event draft a blog post.
You should do it!
Loved the video! It made me want to get my tablet and work away from home!
My husband gave me his cell phone which is a mobile hot spot so I can get on the internet with it or connect my tablet. I like being able to work and research with ease and without a hurt shoulder at the end of the day.
I love my mifi so I never lose secure wireless access while on the go! Just got a new tablet that I am loving too.
That is a good point. My phone turns into a hotspot so I can connect almost anywhere it is great.
Thanks Val! I had fun doing it!
Very cool and gret job on the video. Love your enthusiasm.
yes yeS!! and pay for constant wifi on your device so you’re always connected!