Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Empowering scholars to succeed and thrive through encouragement, inspiration, and motivation.

Take Steps to Get Good Mental Health

It is magnificent to take the steps necessary to be sure you have good mental health


It is magnificent to take the steps necessary to be sure you have good mental health.

There are certain times of the year that have a rush of people taking steps to get healthy. Normally these times are the new year, springtime, the start of summer and the start of a new school year. At these times sales of gym memberships, workout clothes, sneakers and the like rise exponentially. For most people getting healthy includes only physical health. Not a lot of attention is paid to one important part of the health picture – mental health. This is a shame. When an entrepreneur’s mental health is not where it should be it is more likely that she will make mistakes, bad decisions and miss opportunities that will damage her business.

The popular site, WebMd.com defines mental illness as any disease or condition that influences the way a person thinks, feels, behaves, and/or relates to others and to his or her surroundings. If you are concerned that you may have a mental illness due to feelings of your own or responses you get from others, stop and go look for treatment as soon as possible. Think of it this way, if you thought you were having a heart attack or stroke, you would not wait for things to get better before getting help would you?

Once upon a time, it was unheard of to acknowledge or get treatment for mental health related issues. Today, people are increasingly recognizing the mental health needs care and maintenance just like cardiac health or diabetic management. Often entrepreneurs do not pay attention to any area of their health. This is a mistake. An entrepreneur with impaired mental health cannot function as well as an entrepreneur with good mental health. You owe it to yourself and your business to do everything you can to protect your mental health.

Make today a good day by taking stock of your mental health. So, the question for you this magnificent day is what steps are you taking to care for your mental health?


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