• Thu. Dec 7th, 2023

Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

We train individuals and teams to work with confidence and competence. Call: 484 381 0532. Email: janeanedavis@janeanesworld.com.

Take Action Now – Your Dreams Are Just Ahead

Yesterday, while surfing Facebook, I saw  a quote that essentially said,  “If you are tired of being a doormat, get the heck off the floor.”  This idea fits perfectly with the idea of take action now because it stresses the idea that you control your own destiny. In other words, if you have dreams that have not come true or are not being realized, stop complaining and start doing something about it. You must never forget that your dream coming true is just ahead of you, so you must take action now to help make your dreams come true.

dreams not a doormat www.janeanesworld.com
Take action now and get your dreams off the floor. Don’t let them be a doormat.

Belief is a powerful thing. At the same time, belief is a fragile thing. Some people lose faith in themselves and their ability to achieve their dreams based on words from outsiders. Those people share their dreams with others when the dreams are new and full of promisè. When other people poo-poo or downplay those dreams they are quickly lost and fade away. This is what happens when a dreamer doesn’t have the strength to take action now to make their dreams come true.

Go ahead and dream big dreams. Your dreams should always be for things beyond your reach, things that you must stretch to obtain. If doubt and disbelief from others tend to make you doubt you can achieve what you conceive, suck it up and start believing in the power of your ability to achieve your dreams when you take action now. You must always take action now to work towards achieving your dreams. You must realize your dreams are a work of art and not a doormat.

[Tweet “Take action now, your dreams are artwork, they are not a doormat to be walked on.”]

In conclusion, it is magnificent to know that you should take action now because your dreams are just ahead. So, the question for you this magnificent day is, how are you going to take action now to reach your dreams?

29 thoughts on “Take Action Now – Your Dreams Are Just Ahead”
  1. I’m going to take action by removing some of the things that are holding me back from my dreams. I can totally do it, too. I just need to get up and release!

  2. I’m taking action by valuing my worth! Not saying yes to everything and concentrating on what fits best!

  3. Beautiful post and beautiful thoughts 🙂 I always love reading your blog 🙂

  4. Such a great quote! And, if you’re going to dream, dream big! Just do it!! 😉

  5. I’m dreaming! lol I really am trying to at least – it’s the reaching the dream that’s discouraging, and for someone as impatient as I am that makes it even harder.

  6. I love this quote. This is so inspiring. Picking up my dreams now!

  7. Love the quote. I’ve always been a believer of dreaming big. And that quote too that says, “surround yourself with dreamers…” Love that as well. 🙂

  8. I love the quote in your tweet! It’s so true. We definitely can put our ideas and plans into action. We just have to get up and do it. Great motivation here!

  9. I believe that my dreams will come true. I know that these dreams won’t come true without hard work,

  10. Great post and very inspiring. I normally face people doing the opposite, but you are always helping to encourage. Thanks for sharing

  11. I love the quote to get off the floor if you’re feeling like a doormat. You’re right, there’s only so much stepping one can take and then they stand up and get moving towards those goals. The sooner, the better!

  12. Every time I dream big and go out to make them come true, they do. You should never let anyone talk you out of going for it – whatever “it” is.

  13. Great advice for anyone who’s dreaming of something better! Dreams can become a reality, but we have to choose to go after them and to not let anyone else stand in our way.

  14. I am a 100% believer in keeping your dreams close and never giving up on them. Dreams are wonderful things.

  15. Great advice!
    And so so true.
    Which is horrible to admit but I have wiped my feet on my dreams a few times. 🙁
    Time to change that!

  16. Many times keeping focus of your dreams is what keeps you going.

  17. I try to believe, but when the end is no where in sight, it’s discouraging.

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