It is magnificent to take action now by appreciating that you have the ability to do it! It takes a lot of work to come up with a plan that will help you take action now to accomplish a goal you have set for yourself or accomplish a mission. If you have the talent and ability to come up with a plan, you have the talent and ability to see the plan through to completion.
Many people come up with great plans or have brilliant dreams they want to accomplish. Some of those people never get to the point where they take action now to complete the plan or make the dream reality. One common reason is that they think they do not have the ability. This is false. Anyone who can create a SMART plan has the ability to carry that plan out. There are a few common areas that make people think they do not have the ability to take action now to carry out their plans and succeed. A few of the common issues is that people think they have a lack of :
1. Skill – If you do not have all the skills you need to take action now, do not despair, you can get the skills you need. There are online courses, university courses, experts in your industry that can offer advice and counsel. If you discover that you do not have the skill needed to complete your plan,
look at the plan you created and make some amendments. Add a section to your plan that calls for you to get the skills you need and then take action now.
2. Funds – If you do not have sufficient funds to take action now on your plan, look at your plan again and make a new section to figure out the money needed and how you will get it. Do you need a bank loan? Do you need to ask friends to invest in you? Do you need to get a second job to make this happen? If financing is what is stopping you from taking action now, amend your plan to include ideas on financing and take action now to get the financing you need in place.
3. Courage – If a lack of courage is what makes you think you cannot take action now, you can change that. This is one of those situations where you just have to put on your big girl panties and move. In other word, yes, you can be afraid of taking action, you can be afraid that everything will go wrong, but you have to keep moving anyway. Do not deny your fear, just force yourself to move forward.
You made plan, you made a SMART plan aka a plan that is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic ad time bound. That means you made a plan that can succeed. This is the time to keep going, not the time to look for excuses not to take action now. Get it into your mind that you can do this and then start doing it.
In conclusion, it is magnificent to take action now by appreciating that you have the aptitude to do it. So, the question for you this magnificent day is, do you appreciate that you have tothe ability to take action now?
Yes! If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, I can achieve it.
This is such great info! I had a friend of mine who wanted to start her own business say “but I don’t know if I can do it”, so I had to say…”then, you probably can’t”. Believing in yourself is the first step!
what a wonderful and encouraging article thank you for the advice!
Thank you once again for your great advice. It always strikes a chord and makes me think 🙂
I love your three simple steps! It motivates me to reach my goals!
I’m working on building my photography skills. I want this so badly!
I’m working on working my plan 🙂
I do appreciate that I have the ability to take action now 🙂 Great advice!
Fabulous post! Def bookmarking! 🙂
great post and wonderful advice
I think I’m often afraid to put myself out there and do something I haven’t done before. I am quite comfortable with routine, but you’re right. When I do reach a bit, it yields great rewards.
My son’s sensei always says that quote to them. It’s a great thing to remember both in and out of the workforce!
I had a plan and was taking action to reach my goal, then along came the stomach flu and all has been derailed. Time for plan B!
Great advice as always.
I think most of my is fear. I have so many goals for my blog and online business, but I let the worry of failing creep up and keep me from doing anything at all! I want to work on that and be more productive and active in the new year!!
great tips,thank you for all the positive points! Sometimes we just need to hear this!
Thanks for the much needed kick in the rear. This is great advice!
Well said here, it is true that if we have plans it is best to work on it as well in order to fulfill the dreams or plans we created.
Fantastic post thank you so much for sharing – I probably lack both skills and courage although I would love to do some online courses if my body and mind allowed it. x
Thanks for the great quote….I’m posting it on my refrigerator since I just started a healthy eating plan this weel!! I can do this!!!
Those three barriers – skill, courage, and funds – are big issues to overcome, aren’t they? A positive outlook and a little inventiveness go a long way. Thank you for sharing this inspiration!
What a great message. I think a lot of people get discouraged because greatness doesn’t fall in your lap, but you have to make it work if you really want it.
Very cool and very real… especially the funds part. I know many of us plan outside our means… HA
Powerful message!! 🙂 Thank you for sharing this today!