Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Everyone can succeed and be happy with the right encouragement, inspiration, and motivation!

Get the Right Mental Attitude While Out of Work

African American women smiling at work and the words "Get the Right Mental Attitude While Out of Work"

One of the best things you can do is get the right mental attitude while you are out of work. Your attitude plays a key role in determining how long you will be looking for a job.
It is wonderful to have the correct and right mental attitude while you are out of work.  If the condition of the economy in America has taught us anything over the course of the past few years, it has taught us that jobs can disappear with no notice at all. As a result, you may find yourself unexpectedly out of work.
One of the most important things you can do for yourself if you find yourself involuntarily out of work is to get a correct mental attitude, the right mental attitude. It is important to have the correct aka right mental attitude because a bad mental attitude can lead to disastrous results. Let’s examine some products of a bad mental attitude:
  • Sadness
  • Anger
  • Depression
  • Fear
Being unexpectedly without work and income is not a pleasant thing. After all, our jobs and the income they provide make it possible to pay the mortgage, utilities, food, and all the other expenses that make life better.
No matter how bad things are, you must get the correct attitude, the right mental attitude. The reason you must get and keep the correct and right mental attitude is that it determines the outcome you will experience. If you analyze the results that a bad attitude brings, you will find a bad attitude produces:
  • Bad company
  • Misery
  • Sadness
  • Lack of opportunity

When you are a sad, depressed, angry, or fearful person, you are bad company to be around. Those characteristics make you a miserable person.  It is important that you get the correct or right mental attitude while you are out of work. The correct or right mental attitude will help you to get a job and to be happier while you are out of work.  When a person has a correct or right mental attitude, she is:

  • Resolute
  • Hopeful
  • Adventurous
  • Determined

These characteristics are what give you the strength to keep going through the work needed to handle life while you look for work. When out of work it is important to behave as though you will find a job before things are totally ruined for your family. Have a sense of adventure because sometimes good things are things outside our comfort zones. Additionally, determination helps us to hang on when things are bad and to believe things will get better. These characteristics will get us good results and help us move from joblessness to full and satisfying employment.

The reason we need to develop characteristics that create a correct or right mental attitude while out of work is that when we sow a correct or right mental attitude we reap:

  • A good reputation
  • People who want to help
  • Positive results
  • Less stress
There is an idea commonly circulated now called The Law of Attraction. The idea is that the attitude you give the world is the attitude the world will give back to you. There may be some truth in this idea. After all, while misery loves company, no one wants to be that company!
In conclusion, it is wonderful to keep the correct mental attitude while you are out of work because it will make life smoother and happier for you. So, the question for you on this wonderful day is, how do you keep a good mental attitude when things are not going well in your life?

17 thoughts on “Get the Right Mental Attitude While Out of Work”
  1. That is a great question! Because sometimes life is hard… I’ve surrounded myself with positive souls…it’s hard to be negative with them because it’s not allowed… taking a timeout to be upset is also good but for no more than an hour…followed by another hour undoing what you just thought …like you say the universe is listening! Prayer is what I lean heavily on. I know prayer to be extremely powerful!

  2. I am learning about the law of attraction. I am used to the idea of reaping what you sow. I like your idea of looking for the silver lining.

  3. Well said, Janeane. As hard as it can be to create a positive outlook during down times like unemployment, it’s so important to do. I’m a big believer in the law of attraction, so when things look bleak, I make myself look for that silver lining and list what’s going well in life. It’s the only way to bring positive events back into your presence.

  4. I agree 100%. While I’m not about pretending that negative feelings don’t exist. We all feel Sadness, Anger, Depression, and Fear at times. It is important not to get stuck there.

    Give yourself some time to have those feelings and then say time to refocus and be joyful again.

  5. I like to remind myself that the challenging times will pass, and look for things to focus on that are going well in my life…even if it’s small. Funny thing is, bad times always seem to pass eventually!

  6. On Facebook at the end of the year, there were people talking about writing down good things that happen and putting them in a jar. I didn’t have a jar so I started writing them on 3 x 5 cards and saving them in a box. It is amazing to me every time I add a new memory to see how big the pile is getting! BTW love the name of your blog and I am going over now to check it out.

  7. I love that game. I do best case and worst case. Once I know the best and the worst that can happen, I can deal with anything.

  8. I like to play the “what’s the worst that can happen?” game – with the most absurd “worst” scenarios. It makes me put my problems into a little more perspective and sometimes even gives me a chuckle.

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