Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Empowering scholars to succeed and thrive through encouragement, inspiration, and motivation.

Quick Date Night

Serene Sunday – for me, serenity can be found in Quick Date Night with my husband.

Each Sunday throughout the month of September I will be exploring ways to find serenity in one hour or less. This week, I am finding serenity in Quick Date Night with my husband.

As you know from looking at the upper right corner of this blog page, I am a wife and mother of four children. I love my little pumpkin pie children, but sometimes, I need a break in order to maintain my sanity. On some of those occasions, my husband will take me on a Quick Date. The teenie bopper is now old enough to watch the little ones for a while. So, Darren and I will get dressed in something casual and go to the little bar and grille around the corner from our house. And thus begins, Quick Date Night.

I am not a big drinker of alcohol. In fact, my teenie bopper teases me about the bottles of wine I have received over the years that are sitting on the kitchen counter collecting dust. One bottle she remembers from when she was three years old.  However, once in a great while, when I go out I will order an adult drink. The first time  we went around the corner for Quick Date Night, I wanted a cuba libre. It is a delicious drink made with light rum, coke, crushed lime and ice.  The bar tender did not know how to make it, but he actually looked it up on the internet and made it for me and it was delicious.

The place is a typical bar and grill. It had a lot of alcohol and a small but interesting menu. After perusing the menu we both order something we found interesting  and it arrived in a decent amount of time. We ate our little meals, talked and played footsies under the table. We did not talk about bills, work or the children. We reminisced about when we first met, previous dates we had been on  and things we wanted to do in the future.It was not a long date, maybe an hour or so, but it was a nice little piece of serenity. We were out of the house and perhaps most importantly, alone together, away from the children.

Now whenever I need it, we sneak away for Quick Date Night. A little time away from the children to keep insanity away. So, the question for you this Serene Sunday is, what do you do get some sanity and time away from your children?

Add a link to your favorite post about a quick date night idea.