In the life of every business, there comes a time to learn new sales techniques. Do not make the mistake of being so attached to the way you have always done things that you miss great new opportunities. There may be profit for you in new sales techniques.
Sometimes, the new kid on the block has great ideas!
It is often interesting to watch the clash between people who are new to an industry and people who have been in an industry for an extended period. Often both parties think they are the best thing to hit the industry since sliced bread hit sandwich shops. Neither side thinks the other has anything worth listening to. Both are wrong. There is value to be found in old, trusted, and true sales techniques. There is also value and profit to be found in new sales techniques. It is important to keep in mind that no matter what industry you work in, you have to sell to earn income. Even if you are an experienced salesperson and have been selling in your industry, successfully for an extended period, there are always new things to learn.
There are trends in every industry. The trends come and trends go. Each day there are new ways invented to do almost everything under the sun. Selling is no different. Once upon a time stores sold through television commercials and advertisements in newspapers. Today, many companies find selling through online media and sponsored posts are great ways to reach customers. Companies who ignore online media and only advertise in newspapers miss quite a large audience and perhaps are not making the income they could be if they chose to follow current sales trends. This is not to say that new trends in sales should displace all your tried and true sales techniques. There is a relationship between new sales techniques and old sales techniques that reminds me of the words of a song my children learned at school:
Make new friends, but keep the old
One is silver and the other is gold.
It is important to understand that not all sales practices and techniques are created to be followed forever. Indeed, some techniques are good for a reason or a season. Very few sales techniques were created to be followed for the lifetime of a business or industry. Do not dismiss a sales technique merely because it is not designed to last forever. Instead, pick up the new technique, learn how it works, and then use it as long as it is feasible to do so. Then, when it is no longer useful, set it aside and pick up another technique. This concept is common in business. Sales techniques are tools. Tools are picked up, and then when they no longer work, they are set aside and some new tool is brought in for use. All of this is part of the life cycle of a business.
When you decide to pick up a new sales technique, do not do it blindly. Instead, move forward with the new sales technique with a plan in mind. After all, the old saying is true, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Take the time to figure out the best way to use new sales techniques. Just as you would not purchase new equipment for the office and give it to employees without explanation and training, you should not give new sales techniques to employees without discussion and training. Train employees so that they understand the new techniques and why your business will be using them. The time spent doing this will be well worth it. After all, the employees can sell better when they understand what they are being asked to do and why.
Be selective when choosing new sales techniques because every sales technique is not a perfect fit for every business.
It is tempting to jump on every business trend that comes down the pike. As a business owner, you must find a way to resist the temptation and only follow trends that will benefit your business. When it comes to your business and what you will do with it, look deep before you leap.
Just as fashion trends are often fleeting, some sales techniques are fleeting. Some sales techniques will be good ideas this month and bad ideas next month. That does not change the fact that the sales technique should be users this month. When you understand and appreciate this idea, you will be able to pick up and put down new sales techniques at will and probably have better sales results. It cannot be stressed enough that sales techniques are tools. Tools are to be used as long as they do the job and then set aside when they no longer do the job or lose their effectiveness.
Keep in mind the fact that not every new sales technique is good for every business. When new sales techniques appear, look deep before you leap. Make sure a technique is a good fit for your company before you adopt it. Even if all your competitors are jumping on board, you do not have to jump with them. Take time to make sure the trends you follow work with your employees, business and client base. When a sales trend is wrong for your business, it will cost you more than you gain. When a trend is right for your business, it will lead to profit. Carry out your own due diligence investigation before starting to follow a new sales trend.
If you would like to read more articles about following new sales techniques, check out the following.
So, the question for you this thrilling day is, what new sales techniques would you like to try?
Very true – often when we have a new member to our team – they see issues that we miss. Important to listen to their ideas.
You’re so right! Sometimes the new kid does have great ideas. All it takes is one person to create a more efficient or effective idea and bam, things change for the better. 🙂
Great to have your insight. I just joined a company that will be focusing on sales and I need to evaluate a sales technique.
Interesting! I agree that it is hard being the person with new up and coming skills/trends! I often hear clients doubting the new info I share!
It’s probably difficult to transition between and old strategy and a new one. It must take a lot of business savvy to stay up to date with your sales techniques.
So true. Different things work for different people and at different times. We need to be open and flexible.
I totally agree with your advice. I have learned to also be aware that what works for you may not work for me…And that’s okay too.
Interesting read! Agree that it is hard being the person with new up and coming skills/trends and adjusting to others that may have ways that are tried and true!
I am learning that I have to be on my toes and learn something new everyday. With technology and blogging things are always changing.
So so true. We have to mindful that trends come and go, and we also have to be open to the new.
Totally agree with your trend insight. What worked in 2004, even 2014, won’t work today. It’s all about adaptability and knowing an audience rather than rigid rules.
I couldn’t agree more. Take your time and do your research!