It is terrific to realize that you can control the naysayers in your life by telling them to shut up! In all my roles including wife, mother, advisor ad writer I am always a cheerleader. Anyone who has a dream can always count on me to push them toward their dreams and to believe they can reach the stars. It costs me nothing to believe in the power of another person’s dreams. In fact, I gain when I believe in someone else’s dreams and help them achieve. The person who gets the benefit of my pushing and cheerleading gains support and an accountability partner. It is an easy win-win for us both.
Yesterday I had conversations with three different friends who were all wonderful women, smart, talented, educated, attractive and just awesome in so many ways. But they were overcome by the voice of naysayers and were not reaching their full potential. There is a popular saying that “game recognizes game.” It means that people who are a certain way recognize others that are that way. I know what it is like to be hurt, crippled and diminished by naysayers because I have experienced that in my life. I have friends (former friends) and family members tell me I would never accomplish my dreams, never have a happy life and never be what I wanted to be.
I always feel like the new year is perfect to stop wasting time on people who bring little value to your life. Say no to the naysayers in 2015!
It’s unfortunate that in this world, people will drag you down more often than they will try to lift you up. I think much boils down to values of teamwork, respect etc. along with the perseverance that each person must, within themselves; possess in order to become successful.
Great advice! I get so tired of hearing people be negative and try to squash your dreams. I love the quotes that you shared in this post. (Real Talk Moms).
I like when naysayers doubt me. I use their negativity as my motivation.
I like your attitude. Sometimes the best thing we can say to people is for them to mind their business and shut up! If they get ma andn leave us alone it is better for us all.
I like your attitude. It is better to let them go and keep moving. You do not need them anyway!
I agree, I am teaching my children this lesson now while they are young. I hope this will make it easier for them to brush off naysayers as they get older.
i love this!! gonna save to refer back to it. its so important to let let people bring you down
You are right, it is so important to just stay focused on our goals. Keep on movin’ on!
I hate naysayers but it took me a looooong time to not listen to them!
This is such a great post! I use it as motivation, I must be doing something right!
This is my new motto, I had to let a few people go this year. They will only get my behind to kiss moving forward.
I’ve never had a problem with telling people to shut up or mind their business. This is why people think I’m crazy lol. I love this post though. It will help someone who needs to hear it.
The older I get, the more comfortable I am with who I am. It bothers me less and less what other people think and say. And, I’ve had more time to prove myself so there are less people around saying “You can’t” or “You shouldn’t”…I already have. 🙂
It can be really hard to ignore negative people, but I never let them drag me down and I encourage my kids to do the same.
I totally agree! It’s hard to ignore the negative people, but it’s because they’re the devil on our shoulders. I do my best to ignore them though.
I like both your references and I really like the combination of Lincoln and the “Shake it Off” song!
I think there is a song out right now that says…”Shake it Off, Shake it Off!” Like Abe Lincoln said, you can’t please ALL the people, ALL the time!
Shake the negative off. There are only 24 hours in a day, how many do you want to give to bad people?
I have a friend with five kids. When people ask her “are all those kids yours?” She always responds “Just these five.”
Ahhh, wisdom, one of the benefits of growing older!
I am happy your naysayers disappeared. Success does tend to drive them away.
I need to take this to heart. The negative is so in my life right now.
You got this right. Stay positive and keep the negative away.
I quit listening to naysayers years and years ago.If I hadn’t I would be surrounded by negativity all the time.
Great post – there are so many i want to tell this too, I get tired of the ridicule. You have too many kids, yadda yadda yadda.
I quit listening to naysayers years and years ago. It is one of the positive things about aging. You just don’t care about that kind of thing anymore.
I just ignore people who doubt me. I used to hear a lot of naysayers when I started homeschooling my kids. Now two of them are in college with scholarships, and the naysayers have disappeared.
Yes! Sometimes it is hard to ignore the naysayers, especially when we have doubts ourselves. During those hard times, it is even more important that we ignore and shut out the naysayers.
Such great advice. I try to be my own cheerleader and ignore those naysayers, but it can be tough at times, can’t it?
The sad truth is, there is always going to be someone that has something negative to say. I say just ignore it.