Technology has brought so many wonderful ways to learn and get educated to the palms of our hands. Almost everyone who has a Smartphone has an e-book on it. People who use social media networking sites like Facebook are offered access to webinars on a daily basis. Google has made it easy for people to look each other in the face and learn together. Another new way of learning things is Twitter. A lot of information is shared 140 characters at a time and an incredible amount of information can be learned.
Do you want to learn how to do crowd financing, write a better grant proposal or make better investment decisions? No problem, download an e-reader app to your tablet, cell phone or laptop. Once you download the app, start reading and learning! There is something powerful about having a world of information literally in the palm of your hand. Increasingly people are commuting and reading books on their cell phones.
No matter what it is you want to learn, from accounting ledgers to surviving a tax audit of your business, there are webinars almost everyday to teach you what you want to learn. A webinar is a class taught online and made available to people who want to learn. A webinar can be thought of as an online classroom.With an internet connection, people from all around the world can get together at one time and learn.
Google Hangouts are similar to webinars. Google Hangouts allow people ten people via an internet connection and can see one another, talk to one another and learn from one another. Another great feature about Google Hangouts is that while the ten people are in an internet “room” together, the hangout can be broadcast to the world.
Yet another way of learning with new technology is by using Twitter. twitter conversations take place 140 characters at a time. There are Twitter chats and Twitter parties where people get together to talk about all kinds of things and share information with one another. it is truly a new way to learn in the new world.
In conclusion, it is terrific to use your technology for online learning. So, the question for you this terrific day is what are you using your technology to help you learn?
I love the idea of being able to learn what I need to just by loading an app or going to a website. I like for learning almost anything I need to know about using any software, program or new techie stuff out there.
I have an ereader on my phone and ipad! Love it!
I love finding ways to use tech to help me learn more. I have some great apps that I love and use daily and then do things like watch Ted videos.
We definitely love technology in our house. We all have smart phones and we have a few tablets too.
Technology has brought a lot of great tools to us to educate us! It’s so nice! I love Google Hangouts!
Grammar Girl podcast to help with my writing!
Technology has brought so many interesting people into my lives and just learning about their homes and lifestyles has been wonderful!
I have started attending a few Google hangouts here and there and those are excellent!
I recently had my first google + hangout. I had NO idea how useful they can be!
I am so thankful about technology because it is very convenient and I really learn a lot!
I’ve been to a few hangouts now and really enjoying how easy it is to use, and record. I haven’t hosted one yet, so that’s coming up next.
I need to check google hangout.I had no idea about the importance of it.Thanks Janeane
I agree that we have amazing technologies at our fingertips. But I wonder, how much has it effected our face to face communication?
I have never been to a Google Hangout, but I guess I need to get on board!
I seriously need to jump on the Google hangout bandwagon! I haven’t even figured out Twitter so I’m really behind.
I keep meaning to make time to check out Google hangouts. Thanks for the reminder of how great it is!
i’m mystified by google hangouts- i’m pretty good w twitter but the google + thing is something i”M working on!
I’m great at using Twitter, but I’d love to start doing more Google hangouts. Thanks for the tips!
I am a huge fan of Google Hangouts!
I love Google Hangouts! I’ve picked up so much from the #learntoblog one in particular.
For the past few years I’ve been saying that there’s no excuse to not learn nowadays. Documentaries, entire online courses (even from Ivy League universities), ebooks – we have it all at our disposal and we should take advantage!
I’ve been wanting to try a Google Hangout but haven’t had the courage to yet.
I love tech and being able to find everything I wan to know at the tips of my fingers.
I have been involved in Word of mouth marketing for more than 10 years and only started blogging regularly about 3 years ago – I love how technology can connect people from vastly separate locations.
I love social media, and you are right, there is so much information out there. I learn something new almost every day without even trying!
How have I never even heard of Google Hangouts? Thanks for the information; I’m going to have to check this out. 🙂
Thanks! I just learned about Google Hangouts! Thanks Janeane. 🙂