Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Everyone can succeed and be happy with the right encouragement, inspiration, and motivation!

Be Thankful for Your Business – It Provides Jobs

Entrepreneurs are part of the world www.janeanesworld.com


No matter what the size of your business, be thankful for it. Your business does more than simply provide a service or product. It also provides jobs to others you may not see. You are not just an entrepreneur, you are a superhero!

Every business is part of a puzzle, creating jobs seen and unseen.

One of my favorite things about being an entrepreneur is handing someone a paycheck. Over the course of my life as an entrepreneur, I have provided jobs to writers, accountants, secretaries, consultants, law clerks, and assistants. These people all worked for my companies and depended upon me for a paycheck in order to care for their families. It is a great thing and a wonderful blessing to be able to provide a job and income that allows another person to care for her family.

It is a wonderful thing to be in a position to help another person provide for her family. It means that all business decisions must be made with not only your business and yourself in mind. You must also think about how your decisions impact your employees and their families. The responsibility makes you keenly aware of the fact that all people in the world are intertwined. The decisions you make as an entrepreneur vibrate out into the world far beyond your business.


[Tweet “Entrepreneur – you provide jobs seen and unseen. You are a hero.”]


It is important to take your role as a job creator seriously.

Even if you a solo operation with no employees, your business decisions matter far and beyond your business. Your business needs supplies, tools, and technology to operate. Once upon a time business communication was done via the United States Postal Service so stationary was a big business expense. Today, much of that communication takes place via fax, email and text messaging. Businesses need to be in place to provide email service, internet access, and the appropriate computer technology. When you operate a business that uses email you create a need for jobs. While you may never see, speak with or have any contact whatsoever with the companies providing your email, internet access, and computer technology, yet you are contributing for to the need for those people to have jobs.

Continued on page 2. Click 2 below to continue.

16 thoughts on “Be Thankful for Your Business – It Provides Jobs”
  1. You make a great point! I don’t think we take the time to think about how what we do to support ourselves affects so many more people than just our immediate family.

  2. What a different perspective. I’ve never thought of my little business like that before. Thanks for making me see how important my work is to the bigger picture.

  3. This is a nice message to share. I love your positive that’s all over your words too. 🙂

  4. Love your post! I own two businesses and totally relate to having gratitude and being happy that my business help others than my family and I!

  5. It is important to remember that my business is more than just a blog. It has transformed into something much bigger than just a hobby and sometimes it’s easy to negate just how important it is. I am so thankful I found this avenue!

  6. This is an important perspective to have, especially now. It’s awesome what you did for that young lady who worked for you and I understand why it came from you personally instead of the business account.

  7. Definitely a great way to put it! I look at my blog not just as a hobby but a business as well, I am very thankful at the many blessings it has provided my family and I!

  8. This is a great perspective and I’m glad you shared it. I had never thought about being thankful for your own business but you should indeed feel that way.

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