Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Empowering scholars to succeed and thrive through encouragement, inspiration, and motivation.

If You Want to Be a Successful Entrepreneur, Inspire Yourself, then Your Team

When you are an entrepreneur, it is your vision that should guide the actions of your business"

entrepreneur inspire yourself

In order to succeed as an entrepreneur, you must find a way to inspire yourself so that you can inspire your team. An inspired leader and an inspired team can reach heights of success others can barely dream of achieving.


Entrepreneur, First Inspire Yourself Then Inspire Your Team

When you are an entrepreneur, it is your vision that should guide the actions of your business. This means you are responsible for inspiring your team. If your business is new, inspiration may be close at hand. There is a certain excitement and joy in a new business venture. On the other hand, if you have been in business for a significant period of time or you have been going through a hard period in your business, it may be hard to be inspiring.

One of your most important jobs as an entrepreneur is to inspire your team. When the business has been going through a difficult time, it is particularly hard to find ways to inspire the team. Because situations like this are natural in the course of business, it makes sense to prepare for it in advance. When you make plans for your business, you plan for a variety of things:

  • daily operations
  • big picture plans
  • strategic operations
  • marketing
  • sales
  • employee management
  • production
  • the succession of company ownership



While you are planning all the things in this list, be sure to plan ways to inspire yourself and your team. This is not an easy task. Things that inspire one to push forward today, may not work next week. Just as you look for new ways to market and increase sales on a regular basis, you must look for sources of inspiration. Keep a running list so that when the need arises you can go to the list and get what you need. This is a much wiser course of action than trying to create things on the spur of the moment when it is needed.

It is important to keep in mind that there are a variety of ways to inspire employees. Some common ones include:

  • pay increases
  • time off from work
  • special perks and privileges
  • cash bonuses
  • recognition
  • praise


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These forms of inspiration are common. It doesn’t take much imagination to use one of these. The trick the smart entrepreneur learns is what is the secret or special desire of her team. When she learns this, she is able to do a better job of inspiring those around her.

An entrepreneur’s vision should guide the actions of her business. So, the question for you on this thrilling day is how does your vision guide your business?

take action now and get things done 250 x 250Take Action Now and Get Things Done by Janeane Davis –Does every day seem like Monday? Has your get up and go gotten up and left? Check out my new book and learn how to Take Action Now and get stuff done! Two minutes a day can help you get moving and be successful.

12 thoughts on “If You Want to Be a Successful Entrepreneur, Inspire Yourself, then Your Team”
  1. As a new entrepreneur, I enjoyed reading this and it’s a wise advise that I will hold close to me. I have to remember be inspirational to my team.

  2. It’s the same as the airplane masks! You’ve got to take care of yourself so you can take care of others. Inspiration is contagious, so you’ll spread the enthusiasm when you feel it.

  3. I agree with this piece a 100%. It is important as entrepreneurs to stay positive and encourage ourselves and not get wrapped up in growing others that we forget to grow ourselves

  4. It all starts with you. If you believe in your idea then your team will also. It’s important to bring inspiration and confidence!

  5. I think feeling confident and inspiring yourself definitely helps you be a better leader.

  6. Like most things leading by example is always a good thing. I am a minor player in the blogging world and try to do exemplary work to get campaigns.

  7. I really love this. I used to have contractors for my VA business, and if I wasn’t excited, it was hard to get them excited. You have to be passionate about what you’re doing if you want others to be passionate, too.

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