Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Empowering scholars to succeed and thrive through encouragement, inspiration, and motivation.

Creating Family Traditions is Cool!

Family traditions are the special and unique activities we do over and over that make family life special.
Family traditions are the special and unique activities we do over and over that make family life special.
 It is through our traditions that we live forever. By creating and sharing traditions with our children we help create the world we want to live in. Tradition is commonly defined as the handing down of information, beliefs and customs from one generation to another. There are numerous traditions that we are accustomed to, some serious and some fun in nature. Look at the following few activities for example:
  • Eating turkey for Thanksgiving
  • Never wear white after Labor Day
  • Fireworks on the 4th of July
There are other traditions that are unique to each family. In our family, for example, we have a few traditions, unique to us, that we observe:
  • Order Chinese take out on Dad’s bonus day
  • Family game night on Saturday
  • Go to Atlantic City every summer
  • Long drives every Saturday during the summer
  • Reading stories at bedtime


There are many reasons to start and maintain traditions in your family. One reason is that predictability can lead to comfort. Children like a routine, a dependable pattern for doing things. Another reason for traditions is that doing things on a regular basis helps create memories. Good memories from childhood are a good tool for adulthood. Creating traditions is also nice because creating a better world for our children, creates a better word period.

Take time today to look at your family. Is there any activity that everyone likes to do and would like to do on a regular basis? If the answer is yes, you may have the makings of a traditional activity. If there is nothing, that is great as well. That means you have the opportunity to create a some fun traditions for you and your family to enjoy.


[Tweet “Family traditions are a legacy that will live on even when we are dead.”]


In conclusion, you can find serenity in committing to make life better by creating family traditions. So, the question for you this serene day is, what traditions would you like to create for family.