With New Sales Techniques – Look Before You Leap
In the life of every business, there comes a time to learn new sales techniques. Do not make the mistake of being so attached to the way you have always…
Be Grateful for Your Job Even When it is Time to Go
Often the workplace is where people thnk about making major changes. There is nothing wrong with that desire, but it is still important to appreciate the work you have while…
New Tricks for Your Camera
It is always good to learn new tricks for your camera. It will help you get more out of your device.
Technology – Use Your Camera to Have Fun
Your camera is a great tool for work and play so make sure to use and enjoy yours every chance you get.
Give It Your Best and Stop Procrastination
It is terrific to know you can stop procrastination by giving it your best effort.
Push Yourself and Stop Procrastination
It is terrific to know that you can stop procrastination when you learn to push yourself.
When It Comes to Technology Be A Belt And Suspenders Girl
When it comes to technology, be a belt and suspenders girl. In other words, have a backup for your backup. In the event of trouble, you will be glad you…
Technology Can Be Fun – Embrace It
Technology can be fun, actual fun. Stop running away from your screens and start using your technology to have fun. You will be happier and more productive at work and…
Why Use Technology When It Fails
Use technology because even when it fails, you can use backups from the cloud and keep life moving. When you lose your paper planner, you are truly lost.
Confidence Tip -Change Isn’t Easy But You Can Do It
Today's confidence tip of the is change is hard, but that is okay because you have done hard things before so you can do them again