Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

We train individuals and teams to work with confidence and competence. Call: 484 381 0532. Email: janeanedavis@janeanesworld.com.


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If you are an entrepreneur start feeling good about your place in the universe because you are a superhero. Entrepreneurs provide jobs, opportunities and make the world a better place.

If you are an entrepreneur, stand up straight, straighten your cape and recognize the superhero inside you.
Be Thankful for Your Business – It Provides Jobs — Even if you a solo operation with no employees, your business decisions matter far and beyond your business. Click here to read more.

Anyone who wants to be one can be an entrepreneur. It doesn’t matter if you are a solopreneur or you run a huge business. No matter what kind of entrepreneur you are, you are making the world better and contributing to the economy in your own way.

Never look at your business and say it is “just a small business.” When you refer to your business talk about it like the great, fantastic awe-inspiring thing you know it is.  When you talk about your business like it is a thing to be admired and respected, you will encourage others to see and refer to your business in the same way.


If you are an entrepreneur, stand up straight, straighten your cape and recognize the superhero inside you.


Entrepreneurs provide jobs, contribute to the economy and make it possible for others to do the same. Think about it this way. Let’s start with one small entrepreneur who hires her first employee. That employee needs lunch each day. This means she must shop for a meal and things to carry the meal to work in. In addition, she has to travel to get to the job. This means she must pay for local mass transit or drive her own vehicle. If she uses mass transit that helps guarantee a job for those driving the mass transit vehicle. If she drives her own car she must buy gas, keep her tires up and pay to maintain her car. In all these ways, this one entrepreneur and her one employee are contributing a lot to the economy. It’s called being a superhero.


Now stand up tall and proud and say it with me, “I am Janeane Davis and I am an entrepreneur, that means I am a superhero!


So, put on your cape, start reading the articles, and go make the world a better place.


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