Sometimes you have to cheer for yourself because the crowd just isn’t behind you.
All my adult life I lived with a wonderful coach, aka my husband. He always cheers me on and tells me I can accomplish anything to which I set my mind. His love and support spoiled me. I have grown accustomed to hearing him cheer me on and believe in me. It surprises when the rest of the world doesn’t act like my personal cheering section.
Love Yourself and Your Family Will Be Happier – You can find serenity in learning to show yourself some love. Click here to read more.
Recently I told two people about a current pet project. One person acted interested and peppered me with well thought out and probing questions. Her questions helped me move forward with the project and to get it done. She even talked about how my project made her want to complete a project of her own. I discussed the project with another person and she acted as if I was trying to accomplish something that not only was ridiculous, without merit and a waste of time but beneath her consideration.
Two very different reactions. The second person was a close friend so I was upset at the lack of caring. I always cheered for her and always encouraged all her efforts, period. I am a good coach and a good friend.
Forget the haters and cheer for yourself.
I was upset about that second reaction for quite some time, then I realized I did not need that friend to cheer for me. It would have been nice, but I would get along fine without her cheers. I have learned that sometimes you have to cheer for yourself. Instead of worrying about why she did not cheer, I got a new attitude. I stopped caring about why she did not encourage me to reach for the stars as I had done for her on numerous occasions.
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Look at it this way, I am free, saved and grown. I do not need others to validate me or to acknowledge my dreams in order for them to be realistic and achievable. What I need is to realize that sometimes you have to cheer for yourself because the crowd just isn’t behind you.
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Take a moment today to look at your life. Have there been plans that you shared with friends and then canceled because of negative reactions? If the answer is yes, pull out some of those plans and evaluate them using only your eyes. If the plans still make you smile and make your heart jump, ignore the naysayers and find a way to make them happen. So, the question for you this fantastic day is, how do you cheer for yourself?