Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

We train individuals and teams to work with confidence and competence. Call: 484 381 0532. Email: janeanedavis@janeanesworld.com.

Month: November 2019

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  • CareerFlex, an Innovative Tech-Enabled Outplacement Service Launches Today

CareerFlex, an Innovative Tech-Enabled Outplacement Service Launches Today

The new cloud-based platform is specifically designed to offset traditional outplacement hurdles. Convenient, comprehensive, and cost effective, our technology prepares your displaced team members for their next chapter while helping…

Cyber Monday and Three Lessons for Entrepreneurs

Cyber Monday has three lessons for entrepreneurs even those who are not offering Cyber Monday specials. If you are an entrepreneur of any kind, check these out. Never forget that…

Why Stop at Good When Great is So Close

Great is so close to good, it really doesn't make sense to stop at just good.

Look at Today Because Yesterday is Done

It is magnificent to realize that even if you screwed up yesterday, today can be different. When you have done something wrong, it is not the end of the world,…

Work-Life Balance with Photos on Your Desk

It is fantastic to achieve work-life balance home and work with photographs on your desk at work

Take Action Now and Appreciate Your To Do List

When you use your to-do list to look at the big picture and think long-range, the to-do list is an opportunity.

What Will Their Psychologist Say?

Sometimes you can find serenity in knowing your children's shrinks will say you did a good job.

Sun Tzu and The Art of War – Still a Good Read

photo credit: Beni Ishaque Luthor via photopin cc It is sensational to look at an old classic book, like Sun Tzu’s “Art of War” and find a modern use for it. There are thousands…

Believe In Yourself and Give Yourself the Victory

Believe in yourself and give yourself the victory, not defeat.