Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

We train individuals and teams to work with confidence and competence. Call: 484 381 0532. Email: janeanedavis@janeanesworld.com.

Month: August 2019

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  • Wonderful Words from Others – Sometimes You Don’t Tell It All

Wonderful Words from Others – Sometimes You Don’t Tell It All

In today's edition of Wonderful Words from Others will highlight my favorite poem from Paul Lawrence Dunbar, "We Wear the Mask."

Prescription for Good Health

Take a moment to think about it. You have two choices - you can be ruled by fear or by hope.

The Better You are the Better Your Business Will Be

It is important to realize that the better you are, the better your business will be and to act accordingly.

Proverbs 31 – Wise Words from Another

Sometimes you can find serenity in wise words from someone else.

Figure out How to Train Employees Before You Hire Them!

Train your employees correctly at the start and they will perform in ways that will pass your greatest dreams. The proper training of employees can be the difference between existence…

Rewards from the Job Search

The job search process has some great rewards for you to look forward to experiencing.

Celebrate Your Independence

It is thrilling to celebrate your independence, but when you do, leave everyone else's alone.

You Can Think Things Into Existence

It is thrilling to look at things realistically and know you can achieve what you want if you think it into existence.

My Fave Apps for Work and Fun

Smartphones enable us to take fun and entertainment on the road.

Why Wait – Be Strong and Take Action Now

You must realize that "Someday" is not an actual day so be strong and take action now. You start by planning with actual days, not "Someday."