Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Empowering scholars to succeed and thrive through encouragement, inspiration, and motivation.

1/08/22 The Week In Review

African American woman reading the paper and the words "The week in review"

Week in review – this week on the blog, we started by talking about trying something new, bold, and audacious in your business. We ended the week talking about the wonder of Aesop’s fables.  Take a moment now to check out the articles we shared this week.


This Year Try Something New, Bold, and Audacious in Your Business

Today is a good day to try something new, bold, and audacious in your business. Don’t wait for the perfect day to do something new. Do it today and make your business what you want it to be. Click here to read more.


Name It, Claim It, Attain It, and Retain It

In order to get what you want in this world, you have to be willing to name it, claim it, attain it, and retain it. There is almost nothing in the world that is simply dropped into your lap without these steps. Take action now to get all you want out of life.  Click here to read more.


New Tricks for Your Camera

It is always good to learn new tricks for your camera. It will help you get more out of your device. Click here to read more.


It’s Time to Be Grateful for Work It’s a Good Thing to Have

Today is a good day to realize it is time to be grateful for work because it’s a good thing to have. Work provides us with an income that makes many things in life possible. So, show your work some appreciation. Click here to read more.


Learn Some New Sales Techniques

It is thrilling to learn new sales techniques and use them to kick your business up a few notches. Don’t be like an old dog, look for ways to learn new tricks. Click here to read more.


Get Over the Frustration with the Struggle to Balance Work and Life

Get over the frustration with the struggle to balance work and life by realizing the struggle is real. No matter what life looks like, it is hard for everyone. It is okay if it is hard for you to balance it all.  Click here to read more.


An Interesting Look at the Classic – Aesop’s Fables

Today is a great day to take a new and interesting look at the classic Aesop’s fables. If you do, you will see that they are more than cute stories for children. They are also lessons for entrepreneurs, tips for parents, and tools for us all.  Click here to read more.


Check out these articles to see anything you missed. Or, if you spent the week with us, you may find a favorite you can read again or share with someone in your circle. That’s it for this week. Join us next week for another look at The Week in Review.