Each day in the real world and online, I meet dozens upon dozens of people. Without exception, every one of them has a dream. There is a difference between the dreamers. Some think if they put in the work, they can make their dreams come true. Others think they are too old and their dream will remain dreams forever.
Make Smart Plans and Take Action Now
I believe you can teach old dogs new tricks. Additionally, I believe you are never too old to make your dreams come true. It may take more effort to make some dreams come true as we age. No matter how old you get, it is always a good time to set another goal or dream a new dream.
Set another goal
When it comes to goals, if you want to reach them, make them SMART. When goals are SMART, they are:
- Specific
- Measurable
- Attainable
- Realistic
- Time-bound
Make Good Better – Take Action Now with SMART Plans
In fact, one of the main reasons people are not able to reach their goals is because they do not do the work to make the goals SMART. The important thing to remember when it comes to goals is that you don’t just make them, you have to work for them. If your goal is to lose weight, don’t simply say:
Goal # 1 “I want to lose weight.”
Instead say,
Goal # 2 “I want to lose 25 pounds within the next year by following the exercise and diet plan that my doctor and nutritionist helped create for me.”
- Specific – lose pounds
- Measurable – 25 pounds
- Attainable – doctor and nutritionist signed off on the plan
- Realistic – plan takes place over time and was created by professionals
- Time-bound – one year to complete
The first goal has almost no detail. There is no way to tell what exactly needs to be achieved when it will happen, or if it can realistically happen. The second goal on the other hand has a lot of specifics. In fact, because it has so many details, you can monitor progress along the way. That is important because it means you can make adjustments from beginning to end.
Dream a new dream
Dreams are cherished aspirations, ambitions, or ideals. We dream about what we want things to be. They are our best and brightest hopes for ourselves and the world around us. Dreams are precious things because they enable us to hope, to smile, and to think things could be even better than they are. Dreams are precious and valuable things.
As long as a person can dream, she can hope. The ability to hope for more or for better things or circumstances is a treasured commodity. Unlike goals, we don’t have to do anything with dreams. We can have dreams we never pursue. Just the existence of the dream is sufficient to make a person feel better.
Follow your dreams and rise to the challenge.
You may dream of being a ballet dancer, a plastic surgeon, or a college professor. You never have to do those things and the dreams are still valuable. In these cases, the dream is like medicine, it makes you feel better. There are some dreams that will never come true because you don’t want them to. Those are dreams that make us feel good simply by existing. You do not have to work to make dreams come true. You may simply enjoy having the dream.
You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream. C. S. Lewis
There are other dreams that we will set goals to achieve. These dreams are different from the one we just talked about. They are just as important and just as precious. If you want a dream to become a reality. Then create a plan with SMART goals and get to work.
Figure Out Why You Procrastinate
Always remember that you are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream. With that in mind, start setting goals and dreaming dreams. The question for you this terrific day is what dream are you dreaming today?