• Mon. Dec 4th, 2023

Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

We train individuals and teams to work with confidence and competence. Call: 484 381 0532. Email: janeanedavis@janeanesworld.com.

Want to Get Things Done – Make a List of Action Items

create action plan www.janeanesworld.com


Once you have the list of improvements you would like to make with your business, start prioritizing the list. Re-order the list according to your own priority standards. A few ways to order the list include selecting priority based upon:

  • most pressing items
  • items that will yield the biggest bang for the least bucks
  • where the action needs to take place
  • how you will get things done
  • easiest items
  • items that will generate the most income for the business
  • least expensive items
  • items easiest for current employees to manage


Be specific and detailed as you create your action plan. The more detail, work and care you put into this step of the process, the easier it will be for you go from action item to completion as you work your way through the list of items.

Once the items are set by priority, create a plan for how you are going to get done the things on your list. Do not merely plan to work your way through the prioritized list. Instead, create real plans with action steps you can and will follow to get things done. For each item on your improvement list, spell out specifically:

  • who do you need to bring on board to get the item done
  • what are the specific steps you will take to complete the list items
  • when you will do each specific step along the way
  • where is the specific place the action steps must be taken
  • why is each step important and why is each thing being done


The most important thing to remember when dealing with the action list for improving your business is that you must take action now to complete the items on the list. All the work you put into creating an improvement list and making it an action list is wasted if you do not actually take the action!

7 thoughts on “Want to Get Things Done – Make a List of Action Items”
  1. I’ve found that since giving up my paper Franklin Covey planner for my iPhone electronic calendar that I’ve fallen out of my old routine of including lists as part of my daily scheduling. Your post made me ponder if I should pick up that habit again.

  2. My lists need lists! But they do help me stay organized especially when it is blog related. Thanks for the tips!

  3. I am a crazy list person. I have lists every where but it really helps me focus on what needs to get done. Especially with my blog duties and dreams!

  4. Creating a list of things to do and of goals is so important to stay organized and keep on track. I think many people think that when they hit a goal, they can stop working toward something in the future.

  5. I have gotten to the point where I have so many lists…I need a list of my lists! Kidding aside, I use a couple great apps to keep my lists organized!

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