Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Everyone can succeed and be happy with the right encouragement, inspiration, and motivation!

Want Better Balance – Enjoy the Good Moments

When You Go Home, Enjoy It, Let the Guilt Go

home and work balance www.janeanesworld.com


If you are a working woman with a family, guilt is often a constant companion. When you are at home you remember that your team is at work on overtime duty to finish a project and you feel guilty. When you leave work early to attend a school play or a spring choral concert, you feel guilty. You feel guilty because your absence means one of your co-workers has to do extra work. When you go home to have dinner with family you feel guilty because you left stacks of work in your office that urgently need to be finished. No matter why you feel guilty, when you are home with your family. take time to enjoy the moments, let the guilt go.

When you are at home enjoy your family. Laugh at your children’s jokes during dinner, help your husband cheat the children at board games, hide from your family and enjoy a luxurious bubble bath. While you do all these things, enjoy them, push any thoughts of work out of your mind. There is a popular saying, “take time to smell the roses.” When you are at home do that, take time to smell your home, to sniff your children, to remember how delicious your husband’s cologne smells. Go home, enjoy it and just let the guilt go.


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It is often said that a man works from sun to sun, but a woman’s work is never done. When you are at work, don’t just work, do excellent work. When you are at home, don’t just be at home, be present and enjoy your home. Guilt has no good place in a working woman’s life, let the guilt go, find your happy place and enjoy life, no matter where you find yourself.

It is fantastic to balance work and home better when you learn to enjoy the good moments. So, the question for you is, do you take time to enjoy the good moments at work and home?