Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Empowering scholars to succeed and thrive through encouragement, inspiration, and motivation.

Take Action Now – It Is Fun to Act At The Right Time And Place


There is a time and place for everyting under the sun.

African American woman jumping rope and the words, "It is fun to act at the right time and place."

Take action now because it is fun to take action at the right time and place. The idea of take action now, means that one starts actually doing instead of thinking, talking, or planning. In order to successfully accomplish one’s plans, one must take action now. An interesting thing about taking action now is that it is actually a pleasurable thing to do. Taking action at the right time leads to less stress, less aggravation, and more satisfying results.    

The idea of there being a time and place or a season for everything under the sun has been around for as long as people have inhabited the planet earth. The reason these ideas have lasted is that they are true. Many actions work best if they are taken at a particular time, the right time. When baking a cake, for example, the time to put all the ingredients in the oven is after they have been mixed together, not before. Taking action to put the cake batter in the oven results in failure if done at one point. However, if you do it at the right time, success is the result.

Want to read more about motivation and getting things done? Check out the following:

Take Action Now and Get Healthy All Over– While it is important to have good physical health, we must also strive to have good health mentally, emotionally, sexually, spiritually, and financially. Click here to read more.   


 Inspiration – Find it and Use it to Take Action Now  When you know what inspires you, you can use it to take action now and get things done. Click here to read more. 

Also, check out our Confidence Tip of the Day YouTube channel for hundreds of videos on creating the confidence you need to succeed.

Take action now and don’t let the right time pass you by.

Most of life is that way. When you have a plan to do something, you must take action. In the life cycle of a plan, there comes a time when one must take action. When action is taken at the wrong time, one is filled with regret, remorse, and sadness. On the other hand, when the action is taken at the right time, you will feel happiness, joy and even enjoy the fun of success and accomplishment.  

In conclusion, it is magnificent to take action now because it is fun to take action at the right time and place. So, the question for you on this magnificent day is, what are you going to take action to do today?

19 thoughts on “Take Action Now – It Is Fun to Act At The Right Time And Place”
  1. I’m blessed to be surrounded by some phenomenal people that will give me that extra push when needed. I am definitely a procrastinator and thrive on just beating the deadline, at times. Taking action in the here and now and not putting off tasks (no matter how insignificant they may seem) helps me to be a more organized and effective person.

  2. Love this post!!! You are right, I agree 100%- I am not proud of being a big procrastinator… Now, I have tasks piled up that need actions.

  3. Great post! Procrastination is easy, but in the end it leaves you feeling unsatisfied and frustrated. Thanks for the reminder.

  4. This is so true!! It’s just sometimes hard to put into action when you are the queen of procrastination!! (like me!!:( )

  5. I’m trying to organize before the kids go back to school, thanks for the inspiration. 🙂

  6. This is a tough one for me because I’m a super procrastinator! However, over the last week, I’ve been keeping to a list I’ve been making and getting things done. 🙂

  7. I have a huge to do list that really needs some “action” but I keep putting it off. Even bigger, I need to start job hunting and I definitely keep putting that off because it isn’t the most pleasant task. You’ve inspired me to open up my resume and give a look though so I can take some action.

  8. My excuse is that I work well under pressure BUT I always feel more stressed out because of it. I need to be better at taking the time to do things in advance when the opportunity arises. Thank you!

  9. I am a horrible baker, cake making included… I wonder if that explains my procrastination lol I have gotten better on it though. I make a short list that goes towards my overall go. I seem to work better when the list is short. 🙂

    Today I plan on paying some bills and balancing my checkbook. Packing up some boxes and clearing room to get to my closet lol I also am going to get an outfit ready for tomorrow and my gym clothes laid out so when I wake up I don’t have to waste an hour looking for what to wear and talk myself out of running.

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