Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Everyone can succeed and be happy with the right encouragement, inspiration, and motivation!

Take Action Now and Start Your Business

African American woman with briefcase and the words "Take Action Now and Start Your Business"

Take action now and start your business. After all “Oneday” and “Someday” are not days on the calendar. Do what you need to do today to make your dreams of business ownership a reality.

Question – When is the right time to take action now and start a business?

Answer – Now!

African American woman with briefcase and the words "Take Action Now and Start Your Business"


If you have ever dreamed of starting a business, take action now and start that business. When it comes to starting a business, people have a lot of reasons why the business cannot be started now. Some of those reasons include lack of:

• Time
• Energy
• Money
• Education
• Experience

These are all good and valid reasons that make it hard to start a business. An important thing to keep in mind is that all these reasons can be fixed. Even with all these things missing, you can still take action now and start your business today.


We all have only 24 hours in each day. If your life does not have time to start your dream business, you can make changes and start your business today. To do this, get your calendar out and start making some decisions. What do you currently do that you can stop doing so you can do activities for your new business? What things can be moved around? What can you do during your lunch break? Are you able to get up half an hour earlier? Can you go to bed a half-hour later?

These small changes give may not give you the time you need to run your business. But they will give you time for planning. Time is finite, so any time that you find that can be harnessed for your business is precious. A good thing is that is if you learn to use time in a smart way now, that knowledge will help you run your business better in the future.



You need energy if you are going to run a business. If you are concerned that you do not have the stamina needed to run a business, you can make a change. First, be sure to speak with your doctor to see if there is a medical reason for your lack of energy. If there is, take the steps needed to solve your energy issues. Once you are medically cleared, take steps to do what you need to do to increase your stamina. When you find a way to increase your stamina to the level you need to run your business, maintain your stamina. As an entrepreneur, you will need more energy than you can imagine right now.



It is no secret that money is needed to run a business. You cannot be successful in business without money. If finances are a concern for your business, take action now to get the funds you need to run your business. There are several ways you can get money to run your business. Consider the following:

• Savings – a rainy day fund that can be used to fund your business start-up

• Loans – business loans can be used for business start-ups

• Investment from friends and family – this is a common way for people to fund business start-ups

• Payroll deductions – direct deposit part of your pay into an account to be used for your business

• Part-time employment – this additional income can be saved and used for your business

• Asset sales – the proceeds from the sale of real estate, stocks, and other assets can be used to finance your business


To read more about love and family, check out the following:

A Family Game – You can find serenity in learning that it can be really fun to create a family game. Click here to read more.


Best Pick-Up Line Ever and The Communist Manifesto

I never would have thought I would hear the best pick-up line every while reading the “Communist Manifesto.” Click here to read more.

Also, check out our Confidence Tip of the Day YouTube channel for hundreds of videos on creating the confidence you need to succeed.


If you lack the education you need to start your business, take action now to get the education you need. If formal education is needed for licensure or certification for your business, start taking the steps you need to go to school. If formal education is not needed, look for creative ways to get the education you need. The following may help:


• Read – books, magazines, blog articles
• Online learning – OpenCourseWare classes, webinars, e-courses
• Internships – these programs are designed to teach participants the industry

Having the education required for business success will give you the confidence and competence you need to succeed.


Take Action Now to Start Your Business



No matter how much time, money, and education you have, there are some industries where actual experience is needed to run the business. If your business is in one of these areas, take action now to get the experience you need. Are you able to get full-time employment in this area? Is part-time employment available? Have you looked at internship opportunities? If experience is needed, take action now to get the experience you need.

If you want to try your hand at running a business of your own, take action now to make it happen. No matter what hindrances to entrepreneurship you experience, start eliminating it today. In order to succeed in business, you must learn to overcome obstacles and hardships. If you are able to overcome the things listed here and start your business, you will be well on your way to business success.

So, the question for you this magnificent day is, what do you need to do to start your own business?