Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Empowering scholars to succeed and thrive through encouragement, inspiration, and motivation.

Spring Cleaning at Work – Do Some Housekeeping for Your Business

photo credit: chooyutshing via photopin cc
photo credit: chooyutshing via photopin cc
It is thrilling to do some spring cleaning in your business and make things run better. A smart business owner takes time on a regular basis to review operations, understand the current position of the business and plan for the future. Spring cleaning at home makes the home more comfortable and a better place to live. Spring cleaning in your business can help make your business more profitable, more efficient and a better place to work.
Spring cleaning is commonly defined as a deep and thorough cleaning that occurs after a long winter. Normally the idea of spring cleaning is used to refer to a literal cleaning of one’s home. At home, spring cleaning may involve washing windows, cleaning carpets, and changing the drapes for the new season.  However, the idea of spring cleaning can also be used by your business as well.

It is a matter of common sense that you should keep your business facility clean. Be sure that all areas your customers come in contact with are clean, neat and orderly. Keep employee break areas and restrooms neat and well stocked with the appropriate supplies. Make sure employees keep their work areas tidy. A business that is dirty, dusty or sloppy gives an impression that the business is lacking in success. If you want customers and employees to think your business is successful with just a glance, make sure the place is clean and polished.

For your business, office spring cleaning should involve the following:

  • file all information that has been sitting around on desks and tables
  • review all taxes to make sure all returns are filed and payment plans made where appropriate
  • gather all accounting reports and make sure you have up to date financial readily available
  • check employee files to make sure all background checks are current and emergency contact information is up to date
  • review clients files to make sure they are complete, up to date and properly filed
  • review your business and strategic plans
  • analyze the success of your marketing efforts and determine if changes are needed
  • review your research and development plans to see what action is needed for the future
In many offices, there are files lying around on desks, counters, and tables and kept there for weeks or even months at a time. A smart entrepreneur knows that filing is an important function that should not be neglected. At office spring cleaning time, get all files in order and put away. If files are missing information, are incomplete or physically damaged, take this time to put things in order. Spring cleaning is also a good time to review tax information and make sure things are in order with local, state and federal tax authorities. Tax authorities can seize assets, fine and even jail people who willfully fail to comply with filing and payment requirements. Some entrepreneurs have businesses that require background and criminal checks on a regular basis. When you are getting together your tax records it is also a good time to get all your accounting records together. Additionally, this is a good time to make sure your balance sheet, profit and loss statement, income statement, and other financial records are current, up-to-date and accurate.

Use the spring cleaning session to make sure your employee files are up-to-date. If your business requires annual criminal background checks, be sure to get them done and have them easily accessible in employee files. Additionally, it is important to keep employee emergency contact information current. Phone numbers and addresses change on a regular basis. The time to have this information up-to-date and in order is before it is needed, not when an emergency occurs. Many entrepreneurs create business and strategic plans when they first start their businesses. Smart entrepreneurs update these plans and make sure they are being followed and amended as real-life circumstances require.

Spring cleaning is a good time for you to check out your business and strategic plans, make sure they are being followed and to make any necessary adjustments. This step could help make your business operations more efficient, profitable and on target. After the business and strategic plans have been reviewed, analyzed and adjusted as necessary, it is a good time to analyze the success of your marketing efforts to see how effective you have been at reaching target customers and prospects. Finally, this is also a good time to make decisions about research and development. If there is an area where your business could benefit from additional research and planning efforts, take this time to develop a strategy for moving forward in those areas.

spring cleaning, business plan, strategic plan, finances, employee records, accounting, business operations
Photo Credit: Janeane Davis, Thrilling Thursday, spring cleaning for business
Spring cleaning should be an important part of your business development operations. The items listed here for attention are a start for review and business development. Cleaning these areas may highlight other areas of your business that need attention. If this is the case, then your spring cleaning efforts were worth the effort and time. In conclusion, it is thrilling to take time now to do some spring cleaning tasks in order to make your business better.  So, the question for you this thrilling day is, what is the first spring cleaning job you are going to do for your business?
17 thoughts on “Spring Cleaning at Work – Do Some Housekeeping for Your Business”
  1. Those are some great cleaning tips. My husband and I are actually looking at houses right now, so we’re hoping to be able to move soon. But I am confused about how I cleaned my new house and Carpet. These tips really came at the right time. Thanks for sharing! I really need this information.carpet cleaning fayetteville

  2. Hello, your iinformation benefoit me a lot. I must follow these tips. Spring cleaning is my favorite task. At home, spring cleaning may involve washing windows, cleaning carpets, and changing the drapes for the new season. However, the idea of spring cleaning can also be used by your business as well. Always be happy to clean the house and stay healthy.For more information about you home visit here to get the best type of information.

  3. Hi!
    For many people, cleaning is very tough work. Now it is easy to clean the house because it’s vacuuming. Nothing is worse than lugging around a heavy vacuum and dealing with messy bags that make cleaning even more difficult. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a fairly inexpensive, lightweight vacuum on the market that does everything you want without the mess? Cleaning is better than mess.

  4. Hello!
    For many people, cleaning is very tough work. Now it is easy to clean the house because it’s vacuuming. Nothing is worse than lugging around a heavy vacuum and dealing with messy bags that make cleaning even more difficult. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a fairly inexpensive, lightweight vacuum on the market that does everything you want without the mess? Cleaning is better than mess.

  5. Oh wow! I need to update some of my employment paperwork.Thank you for that tip! I just started filing items, and it makes my life so much easier!!!

  6. I have been spring cleaning my bedroom … I need to add to that list my desk where I keep everything I want to address about my site .. I’m sure there are a ton of topics I can be writing about but they are just collecting dust in the piles :/ Thanks for this!

  7. I am guilty of having files all over my desk at work (the day job). I have had clean desk on my to do list for weeks but other things keep taking priority.

  8. I get so frustrated when I put something down and can’t find it when I need it and I am not a neat person. This is a very bad combination!

  9. I definitely need to do some spring cleaning in my business office and in my business in general. Thanks for this gentle reminder & the tips.

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