Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Everyone can succeed and be happy with the right encouragement, inspiration, and motivation!

Creating an Inspiring Atmosphere

You can find serenity in creating an inspirational atmosphere.

Each article on Serene Sunday throughout the month of November is about inspiration. Previous articles have talked about what you can do with inspiration,  what inspires you and who to inspire . Today, the last Serene Sunday article of November is all about  creating an inspiring atmosphere.
photo credit: eye of einstein via photopin cc  Serene Sunday, inspiration, inspiring place, inspirational words, inspirational messages

As with most things, creating an inspiring atmosphere starts with advance preparation. People who encounter you at home, work and in your everyday travels will not see you as a person who is a source of inspiration if you have a reputation as a miserable sour puss. The saying is that misery loves company, but no one wants to be that company. If you want to create an atmosphere that inspires others, start with yourself. People are inspired by people who make them feel comfortable and at ease. Do you have a kind smile and a friendly demeanor? If yes great. If not, it is time to get dressed in your big girl panties and fake it until you make it dress.

You can be whatever you want to be. Vision boarding teaches us to talk about the future we want as if is currently taking place. So, if you want to be a person with a kinds smile and pleasant demeanor that other people flock to be around, start acting like it now. If you believe in your heart you are that kind of person, with continued  behavior you will be. You will soon find out that you are not really faking it, but you are being what you wanted to become. Your wish has become your reality.

To create an inspiring atmosphere, be cheerful and hopeful when people come to you with ideas and dreams of things they want to accomplish. When some one says to you they are tyring a new recipe for Sunday dinner, you create an inspiring atmosphere by saying, “Sounds interesting, let me know how it turns out.” When you co-worker who is working on her GED tells you she dreams of becoming an attorney. You create an inspiring atmosphere by teling her about a school in the area that has a night program so she can work and go to school at night. When your daughter comes to you and tells you she wants to become president of the United States, you create an inspiring atmosphere by saying, “Well good, you joined the dance club at school that is a step on the journey. Keep going sweetie pie.”

Perhaps the point of this article is that you create an inspiring atmosphere by:

1.     encouraging people to follow their dreams
2.     if you don’t have something nice to say, shut up
3.     be pleasant and kind as often as possible
Inspiration is a soft, but strong and powerful gift. In the case of inspiration, once you give it, watch out, because what goes around comes around and while you are showering others with inspiration, it will come back to you.  So, the question for you this Serene Sunday is what are you going to do to create an inspiring atmosphere?
4 thoughts on “Creating an Inspiring Atmosphere”
  1. #2, we all need to be mindful of that! I have gotten so much better with that. I do like to be someone’s cheerleader but I remind myself to be one for me to. I agree that what you put out comes back to you and I am wondering if when we do put out the negative vibes we are merely reflecting on how we are feeling about the things that are going on in our lives. If we cannot stop and be grateful for ALL the experiences in our lives, then what we put out we will get back. Crap attracts crap!

  2. Being kind and positive creates a great environment for you AND the people around you. I find that I am better at the things that I need to do when I am encouraging others to be better!

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