Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Empowering scholars to succeed and thrive through encouragement, inspiration, and motivation.

Miracle Morning – An Entrepreneur’s Journey

Miracle Morning -stop and smell the roses

Miracle Morning -stop and smell the roses

For a miracle morning, have you ever gotten up 2 hours earlier than normal to go for a walk?


Recently, I decided to start a Miracle Morning routine. For those of you unfamiliar with the concept, it involves getting up a little earlier in the day. The day starts with you doing SAVERS. To translate that into English, it means:






My miracle morning in action.

In my world, I start with spirituality – I read my Bible and pray. Next, I read or write affirmations. I do a lot of work dealing with creating confidence so I read my creating confidence affirmations or spend time creating 1 or 2 more. For visualization, I spend time picturing what will make the day successful. Exercise involves me taking a 20-minute walk around the neighborhood. After my walk, I read. I created a reading list for the mornings. This is a list of books, I want to read for pleasure, for enrichment, or because I need to read them. Finally, it is time to scribe or write. I have decided to turn the things I think about on my walks into blog articles for my scribe activity.

Today I left my house 2 hours earlier than normal. I went for a walk through the neighborhood. It was an interesting experience. There was no traffic outside. The streets were empty and quiet. It gave me an opportunity to look at the buildings. It was interesting to think about the stores. I wondered about the secret to longevity. Why do some businesses seem to last forever? Conversely, why do other businesses come and go within a simple season?


Does the early bird catch more than the worm?


When you walk through your neighborhood early in the morning before the people and traffic, you get a whole new perspective. It is interesting to see what things are like when no one is around. During the height of the day, certain stores attract lots of people. Certain corners are full of traffic. These things drive your eyes to notice them.

When everything is empty and quiet your eyes go where they want to go. You get to notice a store window that you never paid attention to before. A flower pot that has immense beauty draws your eye. These things have been there for years and years and years.  The expression “stop and smell the roses” takes on new meaning when you actually see the roses, have nothing to do, and can actually stop and smell them.

As an entrepreneur, this may be a good thing to do for your business. Get to work a few hours earlier than normal. Walk around and look at things. Look at the furniture layout. Check out the supply closet. Examine the areas where your employees sit and eat. Examine your work area. Are things organized efficiently? Is there anything that has been lost but you can now find since things are quiet?


A miracle morning can start with a walk around the neighborhood.


Try an early morning stroll around the office.


Entrepreneur, take time tomorrow to get up and go to work early. Look around at things with your early morning eyes. Then take a moment to see what you discover. There may be hidden gems that surprise you.

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