Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Everyone can succeed and be happy with the right encouragement, inspiration, and motivation!

Looking for a Job – Show Some Kindness

be kind www.janeanesworld. com

Kindness keeps employees around.

No one wants to go to work be around miserable people all day long. Employees will not want to be around an employer who is not a nice person. If all things are equal, people will choose to work with people who are kind rather than people who are not. So no matter if you are an employee or the employer, be kind.

Kindness can be contagious.

Peer pressure is not just for teenagers. When employees, employers and people in general, are kind it gives others an incentive to be kind as well. Another good argument for kindness is the Golden Rule. Most people want to be treated with kindness, dignity and respect. So, if you want to be treated with kindness, treat others with kindness. Your kindness may rub off on others and help you in your job search.

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Kindness is a good thing. If you possess it, let it be known, do not hide it, even if you are looking for a job. So, the question for you this wonderful day is, how are you going to let your kindness shine?

If you would like to read more articles about the job search, check out the following:
Looking For A Job: Create A Plan
job search
It is wonderful to know that you can succeed when you are looking for a job by creating a plan. Almost everyone has heard the expression if you fail to plan you plan to fail. This idea is true in many areas of life including searching for a job. Whether you are a regular 9 to 5 employee looking or a new job, a work at home mom looking for your next assignment or an entrepreneur looking for a new client to serve, if you want to have a successful job search you need to create a plan. Creating a plan for your job search means doing some prep work.
Click here to read more.
 Be Thankful For The Job Interview: It’s A Chance to Dress Up and Get Out
It is wonderful to realize that the job interview provides a chance to dress up and get out of the house. There comes a time in the life of most people where they must go out and search for a job. It is common to all who work from the 9 to 5 office worker to the chief executive officer if a major company to the WAHM (work at home mother). It is a social custom here in the United States that one dresses up in one’s better clothing when going on a job interview. Often people who are between jobs spend the day in pajamas or super comfy casual clothes. This type of clothing tends to make one feel relaxed and less than serious. In contrast, interview clothes make us feel successful, accomplished and serious. In addition, the interview is a chance to interact with adults, which is a welcome treat if you are used to going to work each day and have been home alone for a while.
Click here to read more.
Looking for a Job – Go For Your Dream Job

In a dream world, I would be able to work as a consultant from 10 to 2 each day with two clients who each paid me $1,000,000 per year and would have the remainder of the day to devote to writing, and taking care of my family. Today I do not have that dream job. I typically work from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm and then from 9 pm to 1 am. I have several consulting clients who pay me far less than $1,000,000 a year and I scramble to find time for writing and taking care of my family. This is reality; the world in which I live. I have a choice, I can complain and be sad that I am not living the dream or I can do the best job possible with what I have and prepare to handle the dream job situation when it arrives. I have chosen to live the life I have and be happy about it all as I prepare for my dream future.
Click here to read more.
5 Things You Can Learn About Yourself From a Job Search
It is wonderful to stop and take the time to see what you have learned about yourself during a job search. Each day there are thousands of people all over the country conducting a job search. These searches take place online, in person and via traditional classified advertisements. Most people look at the job search process as a way of asking for things and hoping for results. While that is one way of looking at the job search, it is not the only way. You can also look at the job search as a way of learning important things about yourself.
Click here to read more.