Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

Everyone can succeed and be happy with the right encouragement, inspiration, and motivation!

It’s Time to Be Grateful for Work It’s a Good Thing to Have

It's Time to Be Grateful for Work
It's Time to Be Grateful for Work
There are some people who are grateful for work and other people who hate going to work each day. If you are one of the latter, it is time for an attitude adjustment. Let today be the day that you decide to be grateful for work.
We work for many reasons. A few of them include:
  • money
  • recognition
  • sense of accomplishment
  • relieve boredom
  • intellectual stimulation
No matter what your reason for working is, be grateful for the work. Not only should you be grateful, you should show your gratitude. Showing your gratitude will make your work days more pleasant.  When people are grateful for something, they:
  • say thank you
  • smile
  • treat it with respect
  • speak of it kindly
So how does that relate to your job? No more dreading going to work. Instead, simply say thank you. Literally say thank you for your work. After all your work makes many other things possible. If you start your day by showing appreciation for your work, it will help make your day better.  You will also feel better.
When it is time to go to work, smile. Think of all the benefits you get from your job. Those benefits are cause for celebration and for appreciation. It said that a merry heart does good like a medicine. So treat your heart well and smile about your work.

5 Reasons to Be Grateful for Work

Show good respect to your job. This means you must do your job to the best of your ability. There will be good days and bad days. There will be days when you want to phone it in aka do less than your best. Resist that temptation. Always do your best. When you do your best, you will feel better and get better results. It is a nice way to show gratitude for your work.
3 Reasons to be grateful for work.
Don’t bad mouth your work. It is hard to be in a good mood about a place you speak negatively about. When you speak positively about your work, you will feel better about going to work each day. Those around you will enjoy being around someone with a great attitude. In addition, you will be more productive.
It is wonderful to be grateful for your work. So, the question for you this wonderful day is, what can you do today to show gratitude for your job?