• Tue. Nov 21st, 2023

Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

We train individuals and teams to work with confidence and competence. Call: 484 381 0532. Email: janeanedavis@janeanesworld.com.

It’s My Birthday – What Shall I Give the World?

give on your birthday www.janeanesworld.com

give on your birthday www.janeanesworld.com

Once your birthday is over and you have put away the cards and licked the last bit of cake icing, it is time to think about what you will give to the world over the course of the next year. Pick something good, something grand and then work towards it. You good, grand thing will not be my good, grand thing and that is perfectly fine. We all have different gifts and different things we can offer the world. Pick something and set about preparing and giving that gift to the world.

Never forget that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail so make a plan, a SMART plan for the gift you will share with the world. Once the planning is done, set about doing. Do not get so bogged down with the planning that you never get around to the doing. Whatever it is that you want to give to the world, whatever it is you have to offer, give it and give it with gusto! Give it with all your heart. As I write these words, I am thinking of my gift to the world over the next year. What do I have to offer? What can I share? What can I do to make the world a better place?

Those last three questions are scary! They are truly some of the scariest questions a person can ask themselves. But, they are questions that must be asked, thought about and then answered resoundingly! As you read these words, think about how you would answer these questions. How would you respond to each of them?

16 thoughts on “It’s My Birthday – What Shall I Give the World?”
  1. Belated happy birthday to you! Yes, I do have a slam book (from my school days) wherein all my close friends wrote goodie goodie things, fun things about me on my birthday I read my slam book plus the birthday cards every year on my birthday and that just alone makes my day ❤️

  2. This is such a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday! It’s really nice to give something that will surely help a lot of people.

  3. I used to have a love hate relationship with my birthday but now I appreciate it and love to gift myself and my mother.

  4. Happy Birthday to you!! I hope your legacy continues and those around you appreciate and emulate all you have done.

  5. I don’t always celebrate my birthday. It all depends on how busy I am. Happy birthday. I hope you had a lovely day.

  6. Love this point of view. Love the idea to save the cards and birthday wishes for later. It will be always a pleasure to read them.

  7. Happy birthday! That’s a great way to celebrate! I would love to do the same for mine.

  8. That is an excellent way to celebrate your birthday. So glad it went well for you!

  9. Happy Birthday! I feel certain that people appreciate all the good things that you do for others.

  10. Before, I hate it when less people greet me on my birthday, but since social media takes its place. That barely happens nowadays

  11. I will keep this in mind when my birthday comes around in June. I hope you have a wonderful birthday!

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