It is fantastic to balance work and home by providing quality attention to both areas.
At home, if we want to give our families quality we must give them attention, compassion, and treat the home as if it is important. When at home, give home all of your attention, all of your efforts. It is important that you do your best to show those at your home that they are important and worthy of the best you have to give. You would never go to work in rollers and dirty pajamas for example. So, why not give your family the treat of you looking good, well-groomed, and carefully put together. At work, you take time to put together good reports, you keep your desk stocked with the appropriate supplies. Similarly, at home, keep your cupboards stocked. Make sure there are adequate supplies of toothpaste, toilet paper, and soap for example.
At work, be kind, considerate and compassionate. You would never be mean to your sick and suffering child. When a co-worker is suffering, you should be a quality co-worker, show empathy and compassion. At home you do your best to make good meals for your family, you make sure to clean the house, and give out the aspirin and bandages when needed. At work, get your reports and assignments done on time, keep track of the conditions of the tools you use. Put forth the effort to show that you care about your co-workers and that you want the work team to succeed. When you are at work, get a good attitude and give those around you good quality.
Often people will forgive a lack of quantity in an item if the quality is superior. When it comes to home and work, you may be unable to increase the quantity of time you spend in either area. After all, the hours you are required to work are usually set and cannot be changed if you do not want to be fired. The quantity of time you spend a home is often dictated by the time you must spend at work, on chores and handling matters for family members. There are only 24 hours in each day and nothing you do will increase that number. So when trying to improve home and work life and trying to balance it all, do not concentrate on the quantity of time you spend in each area, instead, concentrate on improving the quality of the time spend.
Quality is a different matter. No matter how good you are at a thing, no matter how amazing what you do is considered by others, there is always room for improvement. Quality can always be improved because we can obtain more skills, improve our techniques, and get better. Quality is something we should ever work to improve. Take steps to improve the quality of your actions at home and at work.
It is fantastic to provide quality in your dealings with those around you at home and at work. So, the question for you this fantastic day is, what are you doing to provide a quality presence at home and at work?