I am working with the Campaign for Fair Education Funding and I am helping speak out for students across Pennsylvania. I am being compensated, but as always all opinions are my own. #FairFundingPA
My children are quite blessed. We live in a wonderful and wealthy neighborhood with some of the best public schools in the country. Issues of school funding don’t have a big impact on their education because the tax base has sufficient ability to meet the needs of the school district. In addition, an excellent home and school association works all year long to raise money for computers, playground equipment and amazing enrichment activities. We’re blessed, but others across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania are not so fortunate.
Recently, I talked with my children about the differences between districts, something the Campaign for Fair Education Funding is bringing to the attention of lawmakers. For example, according to the Campaign for Fair Education Funding in Lower Merion Township where my children attend school, the average expenditure per student is $26,808.16 per student. In Philadelphia where my friend works, the average expenditure per student is $14,361.10. Indeed, this is a big difference! The mission of Campaign for Fair Education Funding is to ensure that Pennsylvania adopts and maintains an adequate and equitable system of public education by 2016. The campaign principles are:
- accuracy is important
- students and schools need stability
- responsibility is shared
- accountability is required
The following is a conversation I had recently with my 12-year-old son who attends Welsh Valley Middle School in Narberth, Pennsylvania.
Mom: What resources does your school have to help you succeed academically? How do these help you be successful?
P: We have teachers who will come to school early or stay late to help you, there is the after school homework program and some kids with learning problems get aides to go to class with them all day. That stuff helps because you know the school wants you to do good and will help you if you ask. I am in the Challenge program for smart kids and I like being able to get more challenging work.
Mom: Are you happy with the quality and availability of these resources?
P: I guess, I don’t need extra help, but my friends who need it like it.
Mom: Give an example of when you were OR were not able to get the resources you needed.
P: Some of my classes are boring because the work is easy, so I like being in Challenge because we do work that is interesting. Instead of just learning from books, we do experiments and actually do things. make things to show we understand what we are learning. I like having all the extra things to make learning more fun.
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I agree with importance of education. We live in a fantastic school district, yet they can only do so much to meet our needs so we have chosen to home school.
Wow! That is a massive difference between the funding for the two school districts. I’m assuming this is tied to local tax revenues, but something definitely needs to change. Students from poorer neighborhoods shouldn’t be at such a huge disadvantage.
I’m not sure that I can contribute directly to the status of Fairness in Education in PA, but I know I can make a difference in my own community. We definitely struggle with making sure our students have the resources they need. Awareness and action are huge obstacles to overcome!
thank you for bringing awareness to this issue. Fairness across the board should be the norm not n option.
Fairness isn’t an option, there has to be fairness in education. It is shocking to me the schools differences even here, and quality. It’s really silly. These kids deserve the best!
I agree that there needs to be fairness across the board. It is like that all over the country I feel like. Thank for standing up for fairness for these kids!
The differences in education between small towns and big cities always amaze me. They should all get the same chances in life.