• Tue. Nov 21st, 2023

Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

We train individuals and teams to work with confidence and competence. Call: 484 381 0532. Email: janeanedavis@janeanesworld.com.

Good is So Close to Great – Go for Great!

good so close to great go great

Going from good to great is a matter of your mindset.

Whether you are good at something or great at something is not a matter of luck, chance or happenstance. The difference between you being good at something and you being great at something is all about your state of mind. How would things be in your life if you decided that being good was no longer good enough for you? How would your life change if you decided from this day forward you would be excellent at all you do?

It is important to understand and accept that in your world, in your life, you determine whether you will be good or great. Interesting things happen when you decide to go from good to great. One thing that happens is that you feel better about yourself. There is something truly empowering about being excellent. When you are excellent in all you do, it gives you a sense of well-being, power and happiness that being good at what you do simply does not provide.

Read More: Serene Sunday – Positive Thinking

Think about things another way. We have all had many good days. If we are fortunate, the number of good days we live are great in number than the number of bad days we live. The number of truly great days we have is usually smaller. Great days are days we treasure and look back on with joy. If you make the decision to not stop at good, but move forward to great, your memories will be full of joyous experiences.

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The distance from good to great is so small, it only makes sense to do the extra work to be great! So, the question for you this serene day is, how are you going to go from good to great?

23 thoughts on “Good is So Close to Great – Go for Great!”
  1. What a great concept to aspire to. It really is true: why stop at doing a good job when with just a bit more effort you can do a GREAT one.

  2. This is great advice. I read somewhere on another blog something similar such as better for now, but go for great before it’s over with. I like to do the best I can at the beginning. It makes me feel super accomplished.

  3. I’m a huge believers in this mentality. It’s what sets you apart from those than ordinary and EXTRAordinary!

  4. This is so true! Sometimes doing a little extra makes a huge difference, you always have to give it everything, just in case!

  5. This is a really great and inspiring message. It also inspires me to remember it and impress it on my children.

  6. What a wonderful post! This is definitely a mindset I should get more into on a day-to-day basis… reach for the top!

  7. What a wonderful post..and I love the title! I’ve always been told to go a bit more! I think it’s great to try for great and not just good.

  8. I tell this to my kids all the time. They’re ok being mediocre as far as I see but I would LOVE them to be better than good.

  9. I do believe that every person is capable of doing excellent work if they just put the effort forward. If you can do it good, you can do it great!

  10. What a great motto to live by. I was raised to never ever do anything half-way and I like to think it has gotten me to where I am today. The best attitude is the one who gets the furthest

  11. I love your title to this post! That alone speaks volumes. Why settle for good when you can have great? I am going to use this as one of my mottos.

  12. I love this! Whenever I do something, I always go into it with the attitude that I will be the best of the best.

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